Saturday, April 13, 2013

Uh oh.....

This morning, STINKY's bikeman Mike came late, so I was stuck at home for a lonnnnnnng time..... Finally, after they left, mum said we could go for my walk now!! I was SuperHAPPY!

The beeeeeeeach on the bootiful Vancouver Spring day!

Brought my RING of course! 

Cant forget my favouritest RING!

This is what I saw when I got to the dog beach......

I tried to help it with my SuperPOWERS... but it didn't work.....

So I told mum it was a lost cause, and headed up, 

Another view of the poor ship. It has been very very windy here in Vancouver, 

I carried my RING to Vanier Park,

I laid down and posed for mum, except my ears weren't behaving because of the wind....

That's some SuperWIND alright!

It actually felt quite good to have the wind blowing in my face, 

I rested with my RING, 

Then I had a SuperSNOOZE!!!

1 comment:

Duke said...

You have the spirit of a puppy in your video, Sunshade! We love seeing you so happy!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly