Saturday, April 13, 2013

Uncle Jimmy: Then and Now and some more!

I am so happy uncle Jimmy moved to Vancouver for University, 

Mum and I moved out on our own when I was just 3 months old, so I didn't get to spend a lot of time with my uncle Jimmy who was only 6 at the time. 

This is us, 13 yrs ago & 13 yrs later...... (you can click on the pictures to biggity)

(mum: 6 years old & 3 months old cuties)

I'm so happy uncle Jimmy is here now and I will get to see a lot more of him from now on!! I SuperLOVE my uncle Jimmy!

(mum: My brother Jimmy, is one of a handful of people that Sunshade is devoted to. Even though the two of them never got to spend much time together, the times they did spend together were forever etched in Sunshade's heart, and in her memory. That's the kind of girl Sunshade is; once you've made it to her heart, you stay there forever, doesn't matter if you have been separated for a day or 13 years!

Jimmy will be doing a one month, pre-med program in Ecuador in May. During his time there, he will be helping to build houses for the locals. While in high school, Jimmy had done Hero Holiday by Live Different where they raised money for building/house supplies for the less privileged families in Mexico. Once the money was raised, the team set out to Mexico and made the dream a reality by building houses.

Here are some pictures from Jimmy's Hero Holiday 2012 trip, 

The "before" house - inside

The "before" house - outside,

High school students assembling the house, 

Jimmy working hard,

Raising the walls,

Inner walls,

Raising the roof, 

The "after" house - inside

Presenting the house to the lucky family,

The little boy's first time having his own bed, and new toys!

High school students bonding with the local kids. Jimmy in green! 

Helping kids in school,

The 2012 Hero Holiday group shot outside the house they built!

You can read more here:

This was a house Jimmy built in the same Mexican community during his 2010 Hero Holiday trip,

Jimmy is now trying to raise building supply money for the families they will be helping in Ecuador. 

In Jimmy's words,

"Hi, my name is Jimmy Hu and I am going on a trip to Ecuador for pre-medical experience and also to build houses with a group 32 students. I am a first year student at the University of British Columbia, in the faculty of Land and Food systems. The Ecuador program is a huge learning experience for us because it allows us to see how some people in the world live. It shows us where our money is going to, while working alongside the families we are assisting. It will be very gratifying to know that all our efforts will be going towards allowing those people a second chance. Right now, I need to fundraise for house building supplies and my ideal goal is at least $1000. Any donation is welcome and greatly appreciated. I am so stoked for this trip. 100% of the donations go straight to house building supplies, and I will personally see to it that it is. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!"

If you would like to donate to a good cause, please click on the link below to the donation site (please put "Jimmy Hu" in your comment section). Jimmy is a really good kid, I'm so proud of him!


Duke said...

Your Uncle Jimmy is doing a wonderful thing, Sunshade, and we love the pictures of you and him together! We'll be donating for sure!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Matt said...

Great story! If you need to do some fundraising, can help - they are helping many people fundraise and make the world a better place!

Good luck!