Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Daily Dog Tag Feature

Auntie Kathy took some bootiful pictures of me a while ago, and she told me that we were being featured on the Daily Dog Tag website! It is a feel good post following the SuperSAD event in Boston yesterday. We hope to bring a smile to your face.

You can see more pictures of me on Auntie Kathy's photography bloggie below:

(mum: The Daily Dog Tag is a site that focuses on pet photography, artful and unique products, and adoptable dogs. I'm very honoured that Sunshade is being featured as a "feel good" post following the horrific event at the Boston Marathon. Sunshade brings me so much happiness, I am glad I can share her with the rest of the world at a time like this. Our prayers and condolences are with the victims and families of those involved in the bombing. Thank you to Kathy for not only being a talented, self-taught photographer, but a great friend to us as well.) 

1 comment:

Duke said...

We could look at pictures of you all day long, Sunshade! You are such a beautiful girl and Kathy Lui is a brilliant photographer!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly