Monday, April 22, 2013

crazy Crazy SuperCRAZY.....

So my Sunday started out with a bang! I found mum's sling pouch,

I unzipped the zipper,

And scored myself a left over bag of treats,

Then we went for a walk in the torrential Vancouver rain with wind chill. I paid my respect to these water bottles.

RIP water bottles.......

I know you can't really tell from the pictures, but we were drenched from head to tail to toes! STINKY wanted to play rugby in the rain...

Mum then told me that we were going to have "SO MUCH FUN", because we were going to an Airedale get together...............

Great... she knew how I felt about all the stinkiness and craziness... just what I needed on my Sunday... I was hoping that the get together would get cancelled due to bad weather, but nope, none of these nutty Airedale hoomans cancelled!

Then right at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the set time for the meet up, the sun came out??? WTH...? (you can click on any of these pictures to biggify)

(mum: From left to right: Sercin (Jesse & Gisele), Phoebe, Helen (Saphie), Mindy (Taj), Ava, Yuji (Hana), Lennon (Monty), Daniel (Hank), Mark (Spencer), Henry (Marley), Jaffa & Sunshade (doing excellent stays!).)

It was almost as if the big guy upstairs was rooting for the craziness to begin.....

Okay seriously, what's up with all the butt sniffing?? (FYI, I'm in the bottom left corner, I'm so much better than that.)

The craziness commenced.......

This is STINKY #4, she is one of the stinkies that I have had to endure through her landshark puppyhood! She is much better now because instead of chewing on me and hoomans, she chews on balls. (mum: this is my friend's year old pup Hana!)

This is Taj. I liked his energy because he is 11 years old and not crazy!!

STINKY was in heaven, judging by his tongue position.

And other positions........

I on the other hand searched for treats,

 And then removed myself SuperFARRRRRR away from the stinkiness and craziness.

(mum: Miss Sunshade removed herself from all the action. Did not want to socialize with *any* of the black and tans! Ever since getting Jaffa 6.5 yrs ago, between his puppyness and all the play dates arranged with other Airedales and then grooming all the Airedales, Sunshade has just decided that Airedales were a breed that was nothing but trouble. She has always been super calm (not like a dale), so she prefers all dogs to be calm like her, and that's not happening with these normal Airedales!!)

And then OMG, my saviours! I couldn't believe they weren't black and tan and I was ecstatic!!!

(mum: Sunshade came to life when she saw non-Airedales, it was hilarious lol!!! Unfortunately, yes, she is a little racist and doesn't look in the mirror much.... The part where Sunshade dropped down to her belly was because she was near the 5 months old Giant Schnauzer, Jesse, who had a ball in his possession. He was guarding his ball so he gave out a low growl. Sunshade being completely deaf now couldn't hear the warning growl, so when he gave a sudden snap, it startled her.)

Compilation of the nuttiness, stinkiness, and craziness......

(mum: it was a great turn out, and all the dogs got along marvellously well. Not one scrap, and that's pretty amazing with 12 dogs all together! There were three young kids there as well, and all the dogs were so great with them, young or old. I know Jaffa thought he just had the best Sunday ever ever while Sunshade thought I completely ruined her Sunday LOL!!)


Anonymous said...

Love this!!! I believe Sunshade thinks she is Hooman!

Anonymous said...

Great afternoon! Would like to have been there too! And surely Kita would have had so much fun! me, I never saw so much airedales together "in real"! Big kisses from Kita

Patriciabib said...

Great afternoon! Would like to have been there too! And surely Kita would have had so much fun! me, I never saw so much airedales together "in real"! Big kisses from Kita

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Happy dogs and a great meet-up.

Duke said...

That sure looks like a superfun time to us, Sunshade! We would have loved to join in!
We just lost Taj's ears!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly