Sunday, August 05, 2012


Mum and I picked up a special package, 

THIS was inside the SuperSPECIAL package!!

Isn't it just the most beautiful blankie you have EVER seen????

My own SuperBLANKIE!! SuperDALE is getting ready to launch!

Let me tell you why this is a SuperSPECIAL SuperBLANKIE, 

1. It has the bootiful SuperDALE on it! Auntie Nhi put my name on the zebra print log!!

2. It has squirrelies on it! I love to chase squirrelies!!

3. It has special rockies on it!! I love to collect special rockies!! I can pick up really BIG ones too!

4. Then there's MY favouritest tennis RING... I don't go to the water without it!! 

5. It has MEATBALL piggie on it!!!!! I love love love MY Meatball piggie!!

6. Last but not least...... this SuperBLANKIE was made for me with LOVE by my Auntie Lydia (who has my apprentice - SuperDAVE)

This is SuperDAVE btw, he is a cross between a SuperFLYING-MONKEY and a SuperTANK! Very first of his kind; the best of the apes X with the best of the machinery. I'm very proud of my peer.

THANK YOU Auntie Lydia.... I LOVE my SuperBLANKIE... I do have to fight mum for it, but it's worth it!!

Thank you for putting my special Meatball piggie on, she is my favouritest!!

You did a great job, it looks just like my Meatball piggie!!

Love nibbles for Meatball piggie applique,

Thank you again Auntie Lydia and Auntie Nhi!!

Now you can't have MY (MY MY MY) special blankie, but here is the good news.... You have a chance at winning THIS Garden Pawty blankie below!!

My Auntie Lydia (who made my SuperBLANKIE) is the fundraiser and organizer for this quilt, and my Auntie Sue (who made my booooootiful SuperBANDANNA) made a block for this quilt, amongst many other talented quilters!!! All you have to do is donate $5 to the National Airedale Rescue, and you are eligible to receive the main quilt!

For donation and details, please check out the Airedale Rescue Quilting Bee website below, 
You can also follow their blog on the fundraising statues,


Winston said...

WOOHOO!!!! Mom donated her hard earned green papers..hope we win!!

Love, Love, Love your new Superblankie, and we can tell it was sewn wiff extra special love!

Your furiends,
Winston, Chloe and Cecil

Dexter said...

Miss Sunshade! That is a beautiful and most amazing blanket just for you. What a lucky girl you are. We are headed over right now to win that quilt because you know how gaga momma is for airedales.


Duke said...

OMG! Your superblankie is GORGEOUS, Sunshade! We love every single applique because they're all superYou!
That was so nice of Auntie Lydia and Auntie Nhi! You are one lucky girlie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Asta said...

Sweet , bootiful Sunshade
That is a magnificent and vewy vewy speshulmblankie. Youw aunties Nhi and Lydia knew that a soopew Dale needs the most soopew blankie. All the detais of yoow favowite things (espeshully youw piggie) make it youws and youws alone..i hope you west and sit in the sun and nibble it wif love and pwide
You awe vewy vewy loved and you desewve all,of it
Smoochie kisses

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, wow that is a beautiful blankie. You must be very special with even more talented and generous friends.

Duncan said...

What an AMAZING blankie. You are one lucky pup!