Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lucky to be ALIVE!!

Today was a beautiful day and I feel very lucky to be alive to enjoy it!

I got to go to the beach,

To enjoy with MY mum - the person I live my SuperLIFE for!

I did my usual good deed of saving drowning trees,

One down, 

One more to go!

Tree #2 saved!

Me & my trees. I also saved a special rock too,

My 2012 Summer Diary #6!!

Naturally, I took a nap afterwards,

Time to recharge some SuperZEN for my friends that may need it,

I woke up to the sound of paddleboarders,

I decided that they should have a SuperLIFE-GUARD watching out for them. See the empty paddleboard? One just fell into the water!

Another one fell into the water in the back!!

Now look at this cool dude,

Smoooooooooooth.... Justin Bieber smooth....

Then mum said it was time to go home....... but I love the beach.......

Mum said not to worry as she had a plan for us today. She was telling me her plan in the car, and I listened to her like I always do when she's talking,

She said we were going to go home and wait 'til STINKY came back from his jog with Bikeman Mike, and then she was going to take us to UBC Thunderbird field to eat (her) lunch. We would get to stay at the field for the afternoon because she was bringing her compooter to work over there!!!

Lunch time, 

After lunch, Cirque du STINKY was warming up, and I didn't want the warm up to come near mum!!!

I laid down beside mum as she worked on her compooter,

Oh look... the show is starting.... must I watch this mum??

I put my head on mum's leg to rest,

Guess what Act II was???

What's wrong with him mum??? He cannot be related to me.....

After spending TWO hours at the field watching Cirque du STINKY - The Stoopid, we went to MY pool and had a one hour swim,

After an hour of swim (that's 2 hrs of bike jog + 2 hrs of running around on the field + 1 hr of swim), Circue du STINKY - The ANNOYING was still performing!!!

I finally gave him a SuperGLARE that said I wanted to ride home in peace in the DaleMOBILE!!!

(mum: I am going to patent "Jaffa particles" to sell to battery companies so your future batteries will never ever run out!!!)

Despite Cirque du STINKY shows, I still had a wonderful day with MY mum!!


Duke said...

We just loved this post and your video, Sunshade. There are so many happy, happy moments!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Karen Raye and Bentley Beargrass said...

Happy to see you enjoying your life again as you should be, Miss Sunshade! And though you'll never admit it, 'ole Stinky too!

Hugs from the Bentman

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Yay Sunshade. Another day in the sun with your mom and some time with your "brother". It's okay Sunshade, he was "adopted" and he could be an alien. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

okay so poor jaffa gets in trouble for rolling around when we now have video proof that sunshade was rolling earlier at the hem.

as to the pooh-ing...well, let not the pot call the kettle black!

OMG too funny....