Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Rainy Day

What to do on a rainy day, on top of a steep slope??

We RACE of course!!! 

Our respective starting points. STINKY is that brown dot you see down the slope, mum in the middle, and the SuperDALE!!! (The reason I get *a bit* of a head start is because my side of the hill is waaaaaay SuperSTEEP okay??)

Finally, got MY 1st Place Prizie BACK!!


Cowspotdog said...

Yeah for sunshade - but does it count when you have a half a mile head start BOL

Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaaa, we knew you'd win, Sunshade. Did you want to share your stick with your mum?

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Lorenza said...

Not fair.... not fair!
Kisses and hugs

Teddy said...

Ha ha, you won without even breaking a sweat Miss Sunshade! What a champ!! (hee hee) Bad boy Stinky for breaking your prize stick!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

It kinda looked like Jaffa won Sunshade...No offence. We liked the video. Perhaps you should look at the instant replay there. bol.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie