Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy CNY

Helen (IT's mom) (mum: Saphie's mom!!) invited us over for Chinese New Year dinner!!

That's my seat beside mum! I love mum, she eats so much that she's always the last to leave the table and that means I'm being fed healthy table scraps the whole time!

STINKY was suppose to go too, but he "played" with a skunk in the afternoon (mum: for the gazillionth time....), and even though he had a de-skunking bath, he still smelled.

CNY din din sounds wonderful right?? Well, the food was great, but LOOK AT WHAT I HAD TO DEAL WITH @$%&#!!!

Not only was IT annoying, IT was hogging EVERYONE's attention $%&@#.....

That's Helen's niece, Ann, holding IT while D-Guy played video game with the boys,

When D-Guy was done playing, he held IT too..... #%@$&...

HEY! How about someone pay attention to the SuperDALE??? I want that chewy inside the crate!!

D-Guy made me come sit beside IT who was sitting ON HIM #$%&!!

I told him to keep IT awaaaaaaaaay from the perfect me!

IT got my message, and did a 180 degree flip/jump to get away from me. D-Guy caught her in the aire,

(mum: Sunshade did a good growl and gave that corner of the eye stare lol. Saphie got the message alright. Sunshade really has zero patience/tolerance for Saphie. She doesn't want the puppy near her, she doesn't even want to see the puppy!)

What was so funny? It was definitely not funny for ME!! (mum: nor Saphie!!!)

@$#%&!!! Why was D-Guy consoling IT?? What about what the pooor me had to put up with???

If you are on team SuperDALE, you won't go look at more pictures of IT on STINKY's bloggie!!!


Duke said...

Awwwwwwwww, Saphie is getting cuter by the day, Sunshade. She could learn so much from you! At least you got lots of table scraps, right?
Happy Chinese New Year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, Saphie's cute but you're still the SuperDale and your mum's favorite girl.

brooke said...

Kung Hee Fat Choy!
I have to admit Saphis is really cute, but no one can top you Sunshade!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That Saphie looks like a handful! I felt that exact same way when baby Hootie came to live with us. He wanted to be just like me, and I thought he was a dodo. I still think he's a dodo, but he's grown on me!

Mmmmm yummy food!! My hubby would be right there playing video games with your humans. I SO love baby Dales! Sorry Sunny, but I have to go visit Jaffa's blog now. I still love you though!
Cassie-the human mommy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Stinky has had multiple skunk attacks???? SWEET!! So far so good on that one here...Mumsie would have a cow...

Hmm...we thought IT was out of the picture....now you have to VISIT IT??? Oh, you poor thing...she's very cute...but obviously attention seeking....

Our word verrie is "thick"....obviously referring to Scruffy's skull!