Monday, October 31, 2011


I hope you've all had a SAFE and fun Howl-loween!!

Mum took us costume shopping about a week ago. She INSISTED that I picked a costume.

This was me......

STINKY of course, picked one to match mine....

This was him,

If you recall, this was me last year.....

And the year before..... (a SKUNK!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?)

So HOOOOOWL do I look this year compare to the previous years?

This is what the backs look like,

I didn't get to pick my previous costumes (OBVIOUSLY!!), but I thought I did a pretty good job this year picking something that didn't look totally STOOOOOPID!

What do'ya think??

It's hand knitted!

I guess I could do without the ears.....

And the hoodie....

At least I could still use my nose!

It's actually quite comfortable that I could run and play in it no problem,

These sweaters are made by Chilly Dog Sweaters in case anyone is interested. I wore an XXL, STINKY wore an XXXL.

You can see more pictures of STINKY on his bloggie.


Duke said...

Oh no! You MUST keep the ears and the hoodie, Sunshade! You look absolutely adorable and you chose the perfect costume this year!
We hope you and Stinky had the most wonderful Halloween!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Miss Sunshade,
You make any outfit look dignified and glamorous. I am loving the hoodie.


Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Sunshade, you look adorable!! Best part is your costume doesn't cover your MUSCLE BUTT too! Wonderful choice of a costume.


Kari in Alaska said...

Happy Halloween!

Stop on by for a visit

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade and Jaffa - okay we like the costumes but, ah...Sunshade, did you happen to see the p-i-g on the back of your costume? What's with that? Jaffa has a little monkey, I suppose he can get into things but a p-i-g on your back?!!! I also liked the skunk and dragon costumes. Oh yeah, what did your mum dress the D-guy up as?

Jake of Florida said...

We think you chose the perfect costume. Even with the pig on your back, you look so so sophisticated with the hoodie and the touch of pink on the ears.

Good choice!!!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Asta said...

Twust you to pick such a stylish and cool even looks comfowtabull , not just adowabull
Happy Halloween to you
smoochie kisses

brooke said...

Super cute hoodie!

Meg Taylor said...

UMMM these are the cutest dogs EVER!!! I just the halloween costumes! ! ! ! !

The Thuglets said...

Absolutely fabulous! Just love your costumes. Tickled pink by the ears!!

Great to see you back again.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Woody Airedale said...

Oh Sunshade, have you seen your back? That is not quite bacon.
Love the hoodie part, and wow, do you have style! You could be a model!

Joey said...

Sunshade... you remind me of shrek with those ears!
Thank god we don't celebrate Halloween :)

Joey and Jack

Anonymous said...

I am definitely going to buy the monkey hoodie for my airedale whose nickname is also Stinky! (Same size too) Thanks so much for constantly updating and keeping us entertained - I love following your dales