Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vote for us please?

I'm so sorry we've been away for so long..... but we are all well!! Life has been very busy so mum hasn't had time to help me blog. Although, she has been taking pictures of my adventures. I hope soon I'll be able to share my adventures with all of my friends!

Mum has entered me (Mum: and Jaffa) in Fido's casting call for their next TV commercial. I hope you can vote for me (Mum: and Jaffa too please!)!

For every vote, $1 is donated to the Canadian Guide Dog's association. A win win situation. The contest ends November 17th, you can vote everyday if you like me THAT much (and I hope you do!)!!

Click here to vote on my page

(Mum: Jaffa's page is HERE!)



Duke said...

We voted earlier for you and for Jaffa too, Sunshade :-)

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NelsonandBoober said...

Hi Sunshade
You and Jaffa have our votes and we'll keep voting. Tell your mum to post pictures of your new adventures on your blog soon.
Nelson & Boober

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi E, Miss Sunshade and Jaffa - done x 2. Yeah we like you guys THAT MUCH so we'll try to remember to do it everyday.

brooke said...

We voted!!! good luck!

lydia and dave said...

Hi Sunshade and Jaffa...we voted for you...and have it on our calendar to vote very day! good luck
your pals to the south