Buntzen Lake Detours
I got to go to my favouritest lake today, with my favouritest RING!!!
So, lets start from the beginning...
It was gurrrrrrls day out, just me and MY mum! We arrived at the rather deserted parking lot. I waited patiently for my pawsonal elevator to finish being trigger happy... (mum: she isn't allowed to jump in/out of the car, so she has to wait for me to lift her in/out.)
I was running out of patience!
I hadn't gone to Buntzen Lake since my monstrous surgery back in November (mum: Soft Tissue Sarcoma cancer surgery), and the woman wanted me to sit and pose????
Mum was being SuperSLOWWWWWW... so I decided to head to the entrance myself,
Asked mum (politely) if she brought MY ring???
It's good that she did!!
I don't go to any water related areas without MY RING!!
See the bootiful ME?
See the bootiful mountain behind the bootiful ME?
See ME & MY bootiful ring??
I marked MY tree,
And headed towards the doggie area,
Arriving at the entrance to the doggie beach,
I tried to open the gate,
That worked, the gate magically opened for me, (it just shows, yelling always works!!)
I met a pibble,
He really liked THE Muscle Butt!!
A little too much I think.... I tried to tell him (nicely) that THE Muscle Butt should be admired from afar,
(mum: Sunshade was actually worried about her ring. She thinks everybody wants her ring because it is THAT special!)
They all want MY ring,

But only I got it of course!!!

I was not showing off, just enjoying MY ring ya know?

Said hello to a Golden handsome. His owners said I looked un-real, not sure what that meant.

Then mum asked me if I wanted a rockie,


She threw it, and I looked for it,

I *almost* forgot about MY ring, but I DIDN'T! I went and picked it up,

So I could continue one of my favouritest games - The Rockie Splashy game with mum!

I'm READY mum! THROW it!

Here comes the SuperDALE!!!


I took a moment to remember Alice, Annie, Butchy, Bogie, Sarge, Andrew, Elli, Whiskers, Dutchess, Aqua - friends I'd recently lost.....

And recharged my SuperAIRE-ZEN for the friends that still need them....

Hope the SuperAIRE-ZEN does something for you!!

After I had finished my good deed of the day, I headed towards the wooden bridge,

The bridge would take us to the trail that goes around the lake. I was WAY ahead of mum!!

But then I remembered something I had temporary forgotten... so I doubled back to mum...

Yes, I'm picking up MY ring please!

Thank you very much!!

Continue on,

Going through the gate,

Ignoring the sign because we saw quite a few people walking in and out of there,

(mum: we've had a lot of rain lately and I believe the water level had risen so much that it was covering part of the trail. However, I asked a couple who had just walked the trail and they said the water seemed to have receded considerably that there was no problem with the trail.)
Walking over another wooden bridge,

See this gate, you would normally be able to walk in to get to the doggie beach. Not today, the water was all the way up to the gate,

Starting the trail,

With MY ring of course!

Came across a couple of BIG cats. Maybe they were being hired to maintain the trail?

And then something unthinkable happened.....
Out of all the places, mum decided that on the bridge was the place to throw MY ring for me to catch,

And, well, SHE MISSED MY MOUTH!!! (Do you see MY poor ring??)

Yew, my poor ring fell down the cliff.....

I watched in horror....

Just as I was ready to go rescue MY ring, the stoooopid woman yelled "NO"!!! She said she would go rescue MY ring as she didn't need me to tumble down as well.

I watched anxiously as the rescue took place. See my worried-face (about MY ring that is)??

Ohhh Thank doG you're (my ring) ok!!

Come to mama!!

And I'll..... never let go!

I walked the trail on the left when we arrived at a fork, this trail led to our secret swim spot!


Give it back!! I have no idea how she ended up with it AGAIN!

(mum: Sunshade is not very reliable at carrying her ring away from the water. She'll carry it for however long and then just leaves it. Of course, then it becomes my job to carry it until she decides she wants it again, for a few seconds!)
Got MY ring, all is good in the world. Off I went,

Arriving at our secret spot,

The water level was all the way up to the bench!! Usually I have to climb down to the little beach to get to the water,

All of a sudden, I caught an interesting scent, so I took a steeeeeeeeep detour to check it out,

Mum didn't trust me, because I have a tendency to find yummmmmilicious things when I take detours like this, so she followed me up.

Fortunately, she was too slow, and I was on my way down before she even found out what I was after!

Water time! I dug for some rockies,

Caught my RING,

And then.....

I took my first outdoor plunge of the year!

The water was crisp and refreshing, not freezing anymore,

I swam to a tree. A TREEEEEE in the middle of a lake!

And brought a tree branch back!

I'm a SuperFISH!
I had had enough swimming, and I decided it was time to go. I made it very obvious that I wanted to GOOOOO,

You coming mum????

She finally got the hint and off I went,

I made sure mum wasn't lagging too far behind as she had a tendency to do so,

We made our way back up to the main trail,

I was in a hurry,

We walked over a wooden bridge,

Up a steep hill, see, this steep!!!

I protected MY ring well,
We went over this bridge where I let go of my ring, and took a steep detour up the side of the trail.......

I took the steep detour because I caught a scent of something SuperYUMMY smelling!!! I had like twenty big mouthfuls of it before mum realized what I was up to!!!

(mum: don't ask, she smelled gross! The only thing it couldn't have been was dog/coyote poop. Anything else is possible...)
Evil mum was SuperCRANKY after she made me leave my yummilicious snackie, and she left MY ring behind!!!!

I had to go rescue MY ring on my own. Geez, is this what you would make your 80 year old grandma do if she ate a piece of cheesecake???? (mum: you were NOT eating cheesecake!!! Farthest thing from it!)

We followed the detour sign this time as we hadn't come across anybuddy,

Mum was still being pouty, and lagging behind,

I headed towards the end of the trail,

And waited patiently for mum to make it up the hill,

I grazed some while I waited,

Then I asked mum if she remembered MY ring?
She said YES. But she held it like this.......... because she said I ate something gross, and I was holding MY ring, so MY ring = gross. Do you see my confused face???

The detour took us up to a service road. We had never gone this way before, and it didn't look very fun.....

Yes, it was indeed a long boring road....

Then mum found a little creek, and she told me I should go play in it,

She even got me a special rockie, see,

And then I saw through her master plan. She wanted me to do this,

So I could CLEAN MY MOUTH!!! (mum: and beard!)

Oh well, at least I got a reward,

A special rockie!!

We walked some more and finally got to another detour point where we could get connected back to the trail,

The trail eventually led us back to where we started our expedition,

To the detour signs,

To the gate to the dog beach,

Open up!!!

Thank you!

Almost forgot...... MY RING PLEASE!

Thank you again!

I met a big boy,

And his big boy buddy. Yes, I can still mingle with the big boyz!

And then they left The Muscle Butt just like that (how dare they!), and then I wanted MY ring, and listened to mum talk,
Before leaving, mum needed to go potty, so I went with her since there was nobuddy there today,

Finally, she was ready to goooo!!

We made our way back to the DaleMOBILE,

Mum asked me if I wanted the ENTIRE bag of treats!!

I said yes of course......

MYYYYY treat bag!!!

I worked on the bag of treats inside the DaleMOBILE,

I got it open.... and soon realized there was only a cookie and some crumbs left....

This is my just-got-ripped-off face!


We had a great time at Buntzen lake, just mum and meeee! Now, it's time for some ZZZZ....
BTW, in case you were wondering about my surgery site being shaved. Well, my surgery was 6 months ago, and it has long healed. Mum keeps it shaved because she puts some monster killing cream on the site every night before I go to bed. She shaves it every week (cause I grow a lot of hair), that's why it's always short looking.
(mum: monster killing cream = cancer killing cream. If you recall, we did not get clean margin when Sunshade had the cancerous tumour removed. I had found this cream that's supposedly very effective for surface/accessible tumours. So I have been putting it all around her incision site. I am in contact with a few people who were able to get rid of their dogs oral melanomas, and other types of tumours completely with the cream and also an oral formula.)
That is the most awesomest outing ever, Sunshade!
- Charlie
we are SUPER ENVIOUS of the fun things you got to do!
Pictures galore!!! WOW! That looked like such an awesome outing. I'm super envious too! You love that ring so much don't you? It's like your security blanket huh? I love my tennis balls just as much too & I must always have it with me when I go out.
OH boy, oh boy did we enjoy our trip with you to Buntzen Lake! It was like we were right there with you. Thanks so much. That ring must be really special, like my(BRD) ball...or any ball that I claim as mine for that matter. bol. I can't believe how well you take to water. I will not go in for love nor money! Have a good Memorial Day and kiss your mama for us!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie
What a neat adventure for you, Sunshade! I have a personal elevator too but if she's not right there, I'll jump down myself and boy do I ever hear about it!
Love ya lots,
Hello Sunshade. I am glad that you are doing so well and you look so good. Have any of you long read. Today, the greater my joy.
I see you had an exciting and beautiful trip. So many pictures and videos!
Lots of love
This was a fun post to read, I enjoyed the pictures of Sunshades's adventures!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Chloe, Cecil and Winston
SUnshade, you had a super day! What a good mommy you have.. I have a new mommy now and I love her very much. She told me that she loves me too!
I'm so happy to stop in and see how WELL you're doing, my dear Miss Sunshade. Energy, humor and attitude - that's my girl!
Much love to all,
Hi Sunshade, another perfect day with your mum. Let there be many, many more.
Hi, Sunshade!
You and your mom sure had a very special time together!
A nice and long walkie, meeting doggies, finding something gross, the adventures of your ring.... wow!
Kisses and hugs
What a great walk you had Sunshade! We LOVE the rocky game too!!!!
Finni xx
Hi Ya Sunshade,
Lily here, mom and I love the detour adventures ! What a fabulous day you had enjoying time with your Mom along with your magic ring.
You sure put a smile on Joyce's face, thanks.
Love Lily Airedale.
What a lovely ride you had!!!!!! My kids wants that yellow ring, and now I have to get 4!!! hahaha
Thank you so much for sharing, I've enjoyed so much!!! =)
Lots of wet beard kisses from Whisky, Branca, Jeep & Ron (and me!!! )
Hi Sunshade!
It's been so long! But it looks like youve been very busy!
That looks like an awesome place to play!
Oh Sunshade...that brought back such wonderful memories of you going swimming there before with your ring...that water seems awfully high...
As for that stoopid trick of go get your toy outta the water...AS IF we smart terriers wouldn't know we're bein' requested to perform a beardie wash...why don't they just ask us?
Miss Lacie Teacakes, Little Muscle Butt!!
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