Saturday, March 19, 2011

SuperDALE under the SuperMOON

Astrologists predicted that on Saturday, March 19th, 2011, the moon will reach a point in its orbit that is closest to the Earth in 18 years. At its peak, the moon will appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than usual, thus the term SuperMOON.

Tonight before bed, D-Guy and mum decided to take me and STINKY to a park where there was a clear view of the SuperMOON!!!

The SuperDALE with The SuperMOON, how fitting was that?

Ok, I know the SuperMOON doesn't look too super in the picture (mum: or in real life LOL!!), but it was certainly a lot brighter than usual,

D-Guy started using his eyePhone to draw pictures. He drew a double heart here,

And a heart on top of my boootiful head,

Mum wrote my name, except she took too long so write so the camera didn't catch the last letter...... it was a special setting that took 7 seconds to take a pic,

STINKY didn't want to have his pictures taken with the SuperMOON. I guess he knew he wasn't The SuperDALE! (mum: Jaffa was afraid of the red light on the camera for some reason, and also the light from the iPhone....)


Dexter said...

We saw the super mom here too but idiot mom could not figure out how to take a photo with the flashy. The super dale with the moon is such a pretty pictures.


Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Those are lovely pictures, Sunshade! I didn't manage to see the SuperMoon myself, but seeing your pictures with you inside is more than enough. ;)


Duke said...

What cool pictures, Sunshade! Your mum and D-guy are very smart about writing stuff in the night sky!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kari in Alaska said...

Sadly it was cloudy here and we couldn't see it :(


Asta said...

Miss Sinshade
Those awe pawsome pictoowes. I love the witing and especially the heawt awound you, but no mattew how bwight, that moon doesn't come close to be as soopew as you!!!!
smoochie kisses

MJ's doghouse said...

my mom saw the super moon and put it on facebook...but i was way too busy sleeping to really care...but you look boooooful in your pictures with your super moon sunshade....did you get a super treat when you got home

Anonymous said...

Such a Big bright Diamond, Shining above Sunshade......^__^


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hey....your moon looks EXACTLY like da moon over my backyard. What doya know bout' that!!!!

Angus said...

Hi Thanks for the info on homeopathic cancer treatments. We'll look it up asap

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Sunshade, your mom and the D-guy are so creative. Very nice effects. Happy super moon everyone and moon beams for everyone.

Lorenza said...

Those are super duper pictures of the SuperDale and the SuperMoon!
Thanks for sharing them, Sunshade!
Kisses and hugs

George The Lad said...

Wow love the photo of you and the moon, the new web site is looking good to, I found it intresting reading about the two ways to groom, and the before and after photos you do a great job, good luck with it.
Thanks for your comment:)
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Amber-Mae said...

That is SO awesome!!! Beautiful pictures too!!!!!!!

Lacy said...

w00fs, loves the pitsurs...we not getted to c it, it was wayy cloudy here..

b safe,

ellen said...

Remember in "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" when Snoopy rises from the pumpkin patch in front of a big full moon? His silhouhette (I only hope I spelled that close to correct) is all we see - and lots of ears to help identify him. Linus, of course, mistakes him for the Great Pumpkin.
Anyway, the pics of you, Beautiful Sunshade, and your ears outlined against the Super Moon made me think of Snoopy against his moon.

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Great pictures! Phoenix, the so called Valley of the Sun, had cloud cover that night! Mommy took a couple pics the night before though and turned out pretty good. Not near as snazzy as yours though. How do they make hearts and words with a phone?? Must be some new-fangled thing we never heard of such a thing. You guys are cutting edge!! (SPeaking of which, your mom's haircutting website is super cool!!)
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie

TwoSpecialWires said...

Just think. We were all looking at the SuperMoon at about the same time. Super!

Best of all was that picture of you with the moon, Sunshade. Beautiful. Both of you. Super Beautiful.

Much love and many xxxx
Jake and Fergi

*birdee* the alpha miniature schnauzer bitch said...

hey sunshade! nice supermoon there! too bad we didn't get out to see it.

mom & dad did the LIGHT DRAWIN of us too last yr using their DSLR haha! it was so fun (to them, not u).

u can see it here!

lotsa love,
velvet, cotton, lauryn & chewy our kitty!

Duke said...

Hi Sunshade! How are you doing?
We miss you!
When you get a chance, could you visit Penny and Patches at
They have a question that we know you can help them with. Thank you so much in advance.

Maggie and Mitch