Something happened......
I got kidnapped to a family with two hooman pups,
The gurrrrrl hooman pup really loves me,
And I really love her too and let her do anything to me.....
How do you think this happened???
Did I fool you???
This is me, (pictured at age 10)

This is my brother, Winston, (pictured at age 10)

This is me, (pictured at age 10)

This is my brother Winston, (pictured at age 10)

This is me and Winston almost 11 years ago on the day that we were leaving the breeder's house. We were picked up on the same day. (Pictured at 8 weeks)

Mum and Winton's parents had recently reconnected and shared stories about us. To sum up our personalities in 3 words:
Winston: Calm, Easy-Going, Mellow
Sunshade: Calm, Demanding, Dominant
Winston was his parent's only child for the first 7 years, and then he welcomed his hooman pup sister, Clair, and then later on hooman brother Ian. He lets them crawl all over him, pull on his ears, take food from his bowl, and basically do anything to him. His dad says he has been a dream with the kids.
(mum: Sunshade and Winston are identical with their fluffy sheep coats!!! It's good that the breeder gave them Winston and not Miss Sunshade LOL! The breeder did puppy testing on the pups when they were 8 weeks old to help her place them in appropriate homes. I remember Winston was the runt of the litter that the breeder hand fed a few extra meals just to make sure he got just as much nutrients as the rest of the pups. He tested very mellow and most relaxed and forgiving. Miss Sunshade on the other hand tested more towards dominant side of things as I recall.
Other than food allergies (which Sunshade has), Winston has been in great health. He too just turned 11, and was still mountain biking with his dad during the summer. I can't stress enough how important a proper diet is to a growing pup. Yes Sunshade has been on a great diet over the last 9 years or so, but she ate grocery brand kibble during the most important stage of her life (first 2 years). That along with other mistakes I'd made (ie, agility at 7 months & got injured) from not educating myself at the time has her paying for it her entire life.... Jaffa's sire is another brother of the same litter. He had the proper wiry coat, hence was kept by the breeder for show and breeding. He has been healthy according to the breeder. Of course, my Jaffaman with his natural rearing since 8 weeks of age, has been completely healthy in the 4 years I've had him.
Sunshade came from a breeder in Port Angeles, WA. So Winston and his family have actually lived in Seattle all this time (where were you Facebook in 1999??). Once Sunshade gets better, we'll try to get the brother/sister together!!)
Lastly, we again would just like to THANK all my blog friends, my non-blog friends (Ellen, Dora, Sharon, Shannon, Evian, Jun, Pinot, Jaspa, Jed & Abby, Sarah & Daisy, Barbara & Chili, Kathleen & Woody, and all the rest that I have missed), for all the kind words you have left for us.
I will do my SuperBEST to look after mum and keep her smiling. (mum: and I will do my best to stay positive, live in the moment, and help Sunshade beat the ugly C as well as her other ailments! I am taking Sunshade down to Seattle on Wednesday, Dec 1st to see an Internist about her Cushings, as well as an oncologist to talk about the STS.)
Special note to Barbara & Chili:
Thank you for the nice comment you have left us, sorry we have no way of contacting you.... First of all, we would like to say a big congratulations on getting clean margins on the nononoma (mum: melanoma). I hope your Manuka Honey will do you healing magic like it has done me. Please make sure you use a non-stick gauze so that when you change the dressing, it doesn't pull off new tissue growth. (mum: you might also consider applying a thin layer rather than a thick layer as the honey will drip and you will end up with a hairy sticky-dale, sticky sofa, sticky beds, sticky kitchen floor, sticky carpet!!!)
All the best!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade (and mum)
haha - you fooled us for a second but then we couldn't help but say, heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! We know that the Sunshade girlie we know and love is not a loveydoveyhuggygirlie! How cool that your mom and Winston's hoomans have hooked up, Sunshade! We hope the two of you can get together soon!
We will be thinking about you on Wednesday and mom will be sending special AireZen your way while she in in the Aire flying to FL. She says it will be 10 times more powerful from up in the Aire!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We were fooled too! You guys must be twinses.
We wouldn't blame any dognappers for dognapping Ms. Sunshade .... but we're glad you were just fooling us!!!
How cool that the social network helps connect brother and sister dogs as well as humans!!
Hope the trip to Seattle goes well -- keep us in the loop!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Holy cat feathers! You and Winston do look just alike! How cool that you reconnected after all these years!
To answer your question about Lilac, she's fifteen and her back legs don't quite work like they used to. She doesn't go walking with us because Mom and Dad are afraid that they'll end up having to carry her home!
Ha Ha Ha
Good one! Thought you got brainwashed or captured by aliens or something.
That's nice that you found out about Winston. My brother Owen lives with me and my other brother Willie lives with the family that rescued our mom. I don't know where the other three are.
Maybe you can visit your brother Winston next time you get to Seattle.
You know we had to look twice at your brothers pictures and read on before we realised it wasn't you!
You two look so much alike. How cool it will be to get together!
Mum says Finni is her teacher dog too.
Nelly xx
woofs, wow your bro looks just like u ms nice it was for u to catch up..hope u do get to visit when u get better..
b safe,
Catching up. And sending love.
With crossed paws. For everyone.
Jake and Fergi
We were petty sure it was a doppleganger; darker nose & that human pup was putting blankies & stuff on what would have been your sore side. And no life vest in the boat. Your mom would never allow that.
Paws crossed for a miracle or two when you go in for your advanced consultations!
Jed & Abby
Missed your Birthday but it looks like it was awesome! Sending lots of Aire-Zen to you too from the two and four-legged gang in Houston-town!
You have a twin brother in Seattle?! Maybe we've seen him at a park!
Hope you have a safe trip down here tomorrow! Good luck!
BOL, you had us fooled. You and Winston are twins fer sure! It will be neat to see you two get together and see how you socialize. I'm normally called a calm girl, but when Hootie starts getting giddy it is contagious and I become a bouncing Dale. I didn't use to jump up on hoomans before he came along. Now it's like a competition to see who can be the most obnoxious.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
OMD, Miss had us totally fooled!! We thought that was you!! Now my dear, as for the dominant/mushy face thing...that's just one of the many advantages to being a girlie...I love being the boss....
Please let us know how your vettie appt. went today...we are thinking of you, my dear...
With love,
Lacie Cakes
I thought squirrels took over your minds, and let hooman pups go touchy all over you!!! Yikes!
That's so not the Miss Sunshade that I know!
We will be thinking of you and your mom all day today, Sunshade! Tons of positive thoughts and AireZen are coming your way!
We love you guys!
Maggie, Mitch and Sue
I love sheepcoats! Sheepcoated Airedales look even more like Teddy bears than usual.
Of course, we know you're no Teddy bear, Miss Sunshade, but you are a beautiful girl.
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