11th B-Day Walk
We got our first real snow today, on MY birfday!!!
Every year on my birfday, mum takes me to a place that I love for a walkie. Today wasn't going to be any different even with the snow. I made sure mum remembered my sanity bag - chicken jerky and dehydrated liver. I okay-ed the contents,
Off we went!!
Once we got out to the drive way, we saw that the DaleMOBILE was stuck.....
I sought shelter while mum and D-Guy rescued the DaleMOBILE,
Vancouver is the new Montreal,
It took mum and D-Guy almost an hour to rescue the DaleMOBILE out of the drive way. Finally, we were off! Our destination - Cypress Mountain, to play in the snow.
Before going up the mountain, mum decided to drop by Auntie Janice's clinic to pick up monster fighting cream she had left for me. (mum: It's a high dose Vitamin A & D cream to help tissue repair & cancer killing.) Once we got to the clinic, me and D-Guy stayed in the car while mum ran in to get the cream. However, I guess Auntie Janice missed me so much that she told mum to bring me in cause she wanted to see me quickly. So mum came back to the car and took me into the clinic.
Well, as soon as I walked in, my Aunties (Janice, Jen, Pippa, Helen) all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to ME!!!!! There was a handsome Boxer and his owner in the waiting area, and they sang too. (mum: too bad I didn't know this was coming and didn't have my camera ready.)
Anyway, Auntie Janice checked my scar and said its BOOOOOOTIFUL. How could it not be? It's MY scar! She said it has healed so fast that some stitches may have to come out earlier!!! See my scar 1 week after surgery??
Auntie Janice and mum talked more about me while I demanded treats (Auntie Janice ALWAYS listens to me!). She asked mum what we were going to do today, and mum said she & the D-Guy were going to take me up Cypress Mountain to play in lots of snow, if the DaleMOBILE can make it up the mountain. After hearing what mum said about the DaleMOBILE, Auntie Janice told mum to take her 4-Runner TRUCK with huge off roading tires!
She said its her birfday pressie to ME, the perfect ME!!
Now do you know why my Auntie Janice is the bestest???? I watched as she got her jacket and keys,
Auntie Janice and D-Guy walking to the 4 Runner,
She taught D-Guy how to work the gear shift button thingy. I was there listening just in case D-Guy forgets anything, (mum: she was being Miss Curious as usual!!)
And then she delivered me into the truck because mum was trigger happy-ing,
My and my Auntie Janice!
I found Phoebe's bully stickie and I helped myself to it. Auntie Janice said to GO FOR IT!! I was eating it all the way up the mountain.
Snowy road. The DaleMOBILE doesn't have snow tires, so it would have been very dangerous...
Once we got to our destination, parked the truck, I witnessed something strange.....
It was a phenomenon I had never seen before!
And it kept on happening!!
I told D-Guy to let me try tooooooooooooo, see the paw? I was aiming for his shoulder.....
He only gave me ONE because he drank the rest... HUMPH!
One is better than none, so I ate it (while mum was screaming to D-Guy - NO CARB FOR SUNSHADE!!!)
(mum: Cancer feeds on carbohydrates, so we want to starve it. Even though Sunshade has been on a grain free diet for the last 9 years, she did periodically get treats that contained healthy grains such as rice/oats. We also used to give her sushi if that's what we're having for dinner. Since her STS dx, I have stopped giving Sunshade all treats that have grains, as well as rice and starchy vegetables (squash/yam/potato etc) that are high in carbohydrate. French fries have carbs!!!)
D-Guy said IT'S HER BIRFDAY !!!
Then mum says its time to go play in the snow! But I told them they should go without me while I stayed in the comfy truck to finish up the 40 inch bully stickie.
(mum: food is now the #1 priority in Sunshade's life due to stupid Cushings. Having fun and other activities all frail in comparison. It used to be the other way around... She'd always take fun over food. Food was actually quite far down the list...)
Unfortunately, I was MADE to get out of the truck....
There were 3 cars in the parking lot including ours. DaleMOBILE would NOT have made it up here that's for sure.
We started the trail,
D-Guy was a little afraid... poor guy, so I said I would protect him by walking in front,
I looked at mum for replenishments,
Meanwhile, a little snow flake flew into my SuperNOSTRIL,
And I had a SuperSNEEZE,
We continued walking UP the hill.....
Way up....
I posed for mum,
And I saved D-Guy when he lost balance. I should mention, I saved him with my scar side!!
Do you know how he repaid me for saving his life?? He punched me in the face with a snowball!
He attacked again and I tried to fight back,

Mum dusted me off and said I was a good gurrrrrl that I deserved a piece of chicken jerky,


We continued walking until we saw a little lodge,

It's the Hollyburn Ski Camp lodge,

Then D-Guy came up with a torturous idea of putting my chicken jerky inside a snowball,

Then roll and double roll more snow onto the snowball,

Then he made me waiiiiiiiit.....


And catch it MY SuperSELF!!

Then I had to dig it out by MY SuperSELF....

I wondered to myself if it was really my birfday...... to be treated in such ways... Staying at home doing kitchen patrol would have been my preferred way to spend MY birfday seeing how I was treated!

I found shelter for the icicles on my face to melt,

Almost all melted....

I could finally walk without feeling like I'm carrying a ton of dead weight on my face,

Gave them my "serious" look,

Met a little MUSCLE BUTT admirer,

And we made our way back down the mountain,

Then I became BOOOOTIFUL,


And then I yawned... big time!

So we made our way back to Auntie Janice's truck,

Elevator please, bully stickie detected!

Boots OFF!!

Bully stickie ON!

On our way back to the clinic, I had a good snooze on Phoebe's bed,

While we were up at Cypress, we received this funny e-mail from my Auntie Janice,

THANK YOU so much Auntie Janice for my birfday pressie - The Goddess Machine. You're the bestest!!! Thank you Phoebe for your comfy bed and bully stickies, I didn't finish your entire 40 inch bully stickie don't worry, there's still 2 inches left.
Stay tuned to my celebration post!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my American friends!!!
Deawest Miss Sunshade
That looked like a vewy special day just fow you
You awe sooo loved!!!
I'm glad you had such a gweat time
(whewe was youw little Jaffaman? was he home backing you anothew bullystick cake?)
I'm jelly of all youw snow..it looks like soo much fun
I'm cewossing my paws fow you to get totally healthy..youw scaw is gowgeous!
you twooly awe a soopewdale
smoochie kisses
You looked like you had lots of fun Sunshade!
Your mum sure loves you a whole lot, driving you to new places for your birthday!
I'm so jealous you get to play in the snow! How about sending some superSUNSHADEsnow to me?? Hehe, kidding.
Seems like your Stinky hasn't been joining in on the fun, what happened??
We never knew that french fries were drinkable either, Sunshade!
Your snow is so beautiful and we are so jealous!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Wow Sunshade what a birthday you had!!! Your mum, D-Guy and your Aunt Janice are the best and Phoebe of course for leaving you the bully stick :) Carbs are over-rated anyway so your not missing anything. Our mum doesn't feed us carbs either. Glad your birthday was so special.
your Aunt Janice seems like the best Aunt ever! I want to find an Aunt like that for Darwin!
that looks like it was a great birthday hike! So much snow! Do the booties help in the snow?
Where was Jaffa while you guys were hiking?
Oh how I wish I khould have walked and snoofed along!
What a great weather day!
That was furry nice woo got to take the 4Runner!
So that's where our snow went! Our snow disappeared yesterday and landed in Vancouver. Mom says you can keep it and please don't send any back.
Alanis & Miro
Hi Sunshade, I'm really glad that you had a great day.
That was a pawesome present for your birthday!
I had never seen that drinking fries thing!
D-Guy is great!
Glad you had lots of fun!
Kisses and hugs
WOw your snow piccies are wicked Sunshade!
Looks like you had one fabulous time. Yoy look so cute with snow on your nose!
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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