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(mum: I was utterly speechless when I saw what Sunshade had done. To me, that was a whole new level of food obsession. The Atypical Cushings Disease is sending out signals that's making the body think its always being starved. Therefore, Sunshade goes into frantic food scrounging mode.
Sunshade had her chiro + acupuncture appointment on Wednesday. We saw Dr. Gail Jewell first for chiro adjustments. Gail mentioned upon seeing Sunshade that her stomach looked a lot smaller than 2 weeks ago when she saw her last. So that was good news to me although I knew grooming usually makes Sunshade look like she'd shed a ton of weight. After the chiro appointment, I brought Sunshade to be weighed. Surprisingly, she weighed 70 lbs, down from 74 lbs two weeks ago (ideal weight is about 65 lbs). That was excellent news. Then it was time to see Janice for Sunshade's acupuncture treatment. Janice and I usually talk a little bit about life and how Sunshade's been doing before she starts to put needles in Sunshade. The entire time we were talking, Sunshade was opening one of Janice's drawers. The one that the dehydrated liver treats were being kept. Yes she knows its the middle drawer, and she only goes for that drawer. She hooks her nails to the handle and pulls. Maybe I'll take a video next time we go in. Janice, Sunshade's Auntie Janice totally ADORES Sunshade's smarts. So every time Sunshade opened the drawer, Janice would tell her how smart she was followed by a piece of liver treat. Janice and Jen the vet tech TOTALLY spoil Sunshade. She can do no wrong in their eyes. Finally, the first acupuncture needle went in on top of the head, and Sunshade fell asleep (thank you head meridian). Janice felt Sunshade was doing well with the Atypical Cushings because she had a lot of "spunk". However, I wondered if that spunk was actually food obsession.
After our session with Gail and Janice, I brought Sunshade to the natural pet food store next door to get some treats and 4 cans of Tripet canned tripe. I use the Tripet as enticement for Jaffa on his picky days. I also give Sunshade her lemony fish oil in a spoonful of the canned tripe. Since Derek was going to have the kidney stone removal procedure the next day, he needed to drink a lot of fluids. He doesn't like plain water, so I thought I would go to the grocery store quickly to get some juice. Before leaving the car, I took all the treats I had just bought, everything that I thought was rip-able with me. Basically, I carried what looked like a large bag of groceries into a grocery store. I left the 4 cans of Tripet in the car as it never occurred to me that she would go through all that trouble to "find food". I have left cans with her many times before, she never touched them. Anyway, I came out 10 minutes later to her grinning from ear to ear with a can of chewed up Tripet in between her paws. There were bits and pieces of aluminum lying around her.
The first thought that went through my mind was Thank doG I was only a block away from the vet. I thought for sure the inside of her mouth was going to be a bloody mess. Much to my surprise though, there were no cuts on her tongue or gums. No blood visible. WHEW!
So what do I think? Since Sunshade never scrounged for food, never begged like crazy, never counter surfed, never opened cupboards, never chewed through cans until the last few months, I think the Atypical Cushings might be getting worse...... We haven't re-tested her yet because we wanted to allow enough time for the holistic approach to work (if they do work). I'll give it another 3-4 weeks given her symptoms don't get worse, and then retest. The fact that she lost 4 lbs is monumental as dogs with uncontrolled Cushings/Atypical Cushings don't usually lose weight despite the efforts.
It is hard for me to watch Sunshade always feeling and thinking that she's hungry. I can just imagine how much harder this is on her not understanding why she's feeling this way all the time.... Furthermore, I am becoming a little more worried about the extend she goes to find food and doing things that can potentially cause harm to herself. I never needed to worry about things like this with her before. She had always been a very sensible dog, knew what was ok, what wasn't...... SIGH....)