Waterworkz Pool
Swimming has been an important part of my life because of my elbow injury. It keeps the muscle around my bad elbow strong without putting any impact on my joints. Strong muscle tone provides maximum stabilization for the bad joint/joints.
For the last 7 years or so, mum has been taking me to a rehab center twice a week during the colder months while swimming me lots in the ocean/lakes during the warmer months. I enjoy going to the rehab center, but unfortunately, it is located about 1-1.5 hours away from Vancouver each way depending on traffic. So it always takes ummm... quite a bit of mum's time when I go swimming.
Today, mum put me in DaleMOBILE and told me we were going to try out a NEW pool!
NEW pool? REALLY????
It only took about 25 mins driving from our house, and we were there!! It's called Waterworkz Paw Spa,
This is the reception area, isn't it nice?
This is where doggies get their massages!
The layout of the spa was very nicely done, it gave the entire place a very calming, serene feeling.
I pinpointed with my SuperNOSE.......
Where treats were being kept (yup, on that table inside the dark metal doggie stand),
And I NICELY asked Tanya, the owner of Waterworkz Pet Spa for a few pieces of treats,
Tanya said I was very "polite". You hear that mum? I'm P-O-L-I-T-E!!
Pool time!! Look at the nice long ramp leading up to the warm water pool,
See the steps and benches in the pool for when we get tired,
Even tho I'm very familiar with water and swimming in pools in general, this was still my first time in a new pool. Tanya wanted to make sure I had no negative experiences so she introduced me to the pool slowly, one step at a time,
Step two,
Taking it slow,
I must admit I am not used to having someone in the pool with me as mum usually throws my toys for me from outside the pool at the rehab center. I must also admit that I am usually quite aloof towards people I don't know well. Not that I get mean or nasty or anything like that, but I just act ummmm..... as if I could careless, and would prefer they didn't get too buddy buddy with me if you know what I mean.
So mum was very proud of me today when I didn't push Tanya away, and was actually quite comfortable with her.
I am a confident gurrrrl, nothing really fazes me because I'm a SuperDALE afterall!
See, I was falling asleep, (mum: flash was on LOL!)
I really was quite comfortable with Tanya, she was so nice and patient and she talked in funny voices!!
Look at me standing on Tanya's leggie, and she didn't mind!
Tanya has the highest level of training for warm water hydrotherapy exercise for dogs, and she says "floating" in water makes us feel a lot better because we're all relaxed.
Trying to float here,
See how my hind legs hung straight behind? Tanya said that's because I was super relaxed and comfortable,
I swam too of course,
When I got too warm from the water, I took a break on Tanya's leggie,
Then I was half floating, half on Tanya's leg, and half asleep,
I swam some more while Tanya was clapping to tell me I was such a good gurrrrrrrl!
Then I floated,
You can watch me float and swim LIVE here!
Did you hear Tanya say I was POWERFUL??? All that SuperDALE power I tell ya! (mum: Tanya meant you were in a dominating position by climbing on top of her!!!!!)
I was just trying to climb over her to get to the edge of the pool ok mum? Me, dominating? Never!
After the session, I got dried up (between mum's legs and Tanya's too!),

Look at these nicely rolled up towels. Is this what hoomans spas do?

Then I once again, asked for a treat NICELY,

And guarded the treat jar NICELY from potential intruders!

I really liked this place because the environment was just so quiet and calm. I really like the calm energy and thrive on that. Tanya said mummies and daddies can go in the water with their kids (furry kind), maybe next time mum will come in with me too!
What a wonderful spa session you had, Sunshade - even tranquil music! Miss Tanya was so nice.
How fun with that be to have your mom in the pool with you!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
That spa looks wonderful. It is very good for you and I have no doubt will help your muscle butt stay in shape. I got sleepy looking at you doing your floating.
Miss SupewGiwl Sunshade
What a fantstic Spa..I think you have found a bettew place to go get youw thewapy..Mommi says , she wishe she could go to a spa like that..you awe a pawfect, confident powewful , bootiful giwl.
ILoved seeing you swim and float
smoochie kisses
What a very nice spa - do you get to go more, since it's closer to the house?
Looked like a very relaxing session..
Confident - yes - you are an Airedale.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi, Sunshade!
Yes! It looks like a pawesome place!
Very relaxing and very good for you!
Maybe next time your mom can be there swimming with you!
Kisses and hugs
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