Well you saw me eat Edamame beans, so why no see me eat my din din too...(since my life is still pretty dull)
I eat a raw diet, and this was MY din din for tonight - raw beef center loin with bone bone!

Yes, both for ME please,

I don't understand why STINKY was sitting there as I obviously said they were both for me. Look at the annoyance on my face, in my eyes,

I however, did let it go as I knew chances of him eating was very slim as he's a super picky eater. I started on mine,

Just making sure that he wasn't eating. Good, he looks like he's about to turn his nose up on the meaty bone bone,

I proceeded to taking MY bone bone out of the styrofoam plate,

Next thing I knew, he was EATING!!!! Out of all the days, he chose TODAY to EAT! (mum: Jaffa is an extremely picky eater, but he does like his bones, especially beef LOL.)

I took my frustration out at MY bone bone,

Just watch me,
My bone bone on the left, see how much more efficient I was than STINKY? Thought it was a good time to switch bone bone, SHARE you know? But Evil-mum said NO!
Then I spotted with my SuperEYES that the hoomans started eating themselves, so I quickly finished MY bone bone,
And took MY spot by the hoomans,
STINKY, of course, missed out,
My first proposition - a snowpea
Sounds good!
Give it to me already!!!
The other propositions weren't that great, so I decided to go back to MY bone bone,
I talked STINKY into switching bone bones, but not only had he eaten all the meat off the bone, he also made the left over bone bone all stinky and gross. I was very hesitant and disgusted to say the least,
So I left his stinky bone there. The left over bone bone was to hard to chew anyway,
I decided to reserve my energy instead of wasting it on a too-hard-to-chew bone bone like stooopid STINKY was doing,
He eventually got my point (it always takes him a while....),
Unfortunately it was too late as the bone bone killed him, RIP dear STINKY.....
(mum: he was SLEEPING Sunshade!!)