Wednesday, February 10, 2010

MY Face Mat

This is what our floor looked like for a while... Where did the rest of the puzzle mats go?

They stop me from slipping everywhere, such essentials, where did they go??

Well if you want to know what happened to them, you can go look at STINKY's blog. It is a memory I would rather not have to relive...EVER!

Meanwhile, MY face mat was my savior. It is an area mat with MY boootifle face on it. This was the picture,

Here I was trying to imitate the face!


Inky and Molly said...

LOVE the face mat. What fabbers idea. You are looking so hot, why not have it on ALL the furniture?!!

Duke said...

Your face mat is beautiful, Sunshade, and it's the perfect size for you!
We're off to see what evil Stinky did to your puzzle mats! We always loved your puzzle mats!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Nelly said...

What a great idea! BTW we love the new pink and blue floor!
Nelly xx

brooke said...

That mat is so cute! Where did you get it from?!

kissa-bull said...

nice piks have you ever thought about a carreer in modeling ??
if so i'll have my people contact your people
guero the model

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Your mats are gone??? Oh no..we gotta go and look...

We didn't know you have spots on your tongue!! We're gonna pry Stan's mouth open and check his tongue out now...

That face mat is the cutest thing ever!!


Miss Lacie Cakes

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sunshade!
Your mat is pawesome!
I love it!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

That face mate is awesome. Woweee we gotta have one of those.

Noah xx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We Llluuuuurve, llurve, love your face matt!! It is a SuperSunshade!! Now we'll go see what happened to the puzzle mats at Jaffa's bloggie.
BabyRD and Hootie

Duke said...

My glutinous rice came in the mail yesterday, Sunshade and mom will be making it for me today! I'll let you know if I love it, okay?!

Love ya lots

Princess Patches said...

Sunshade, we LOVE your face mat! That is super cool! At the UGA open house, you get to see all the areas where they teach students to be v-e-t-s. They even operate on stuffies! We aren't sure, now, that Mom will be going. Something has come up, but if she can't go, she will sure try to go to the next one!

Penny & Patches