2010 Olympic Logo
Disclaimer: First of all, I would like to pay special thanks to Wikipedia. Without it, this post would have been ..... ummm.... nothing...
The official logo for the 2010 Winter Olympics was unveiled in April of 2005. It was named, Ilanaaq the Inunnguaq (stone landmark or cairn imitating a person). Ilanaaq is the Inuktitut word for friend.
This is the statue of Ilanaag, located at the top of the Whistler Village Gondola at Whistler Blackcomb Resort in Whistler. (we never made it to the top Blackcomb when we were in Whistler...)
The logo is based on the Inukshuk (stone landmark or cairn) built for the Northwest Territories Pavilion at Expo 86 and given to the City of Vancouver as a gift after the event. It is now used as a landmark at the southern end of English Bay, in downtown Vancouver.
The structure is one of the major major MAJOR tourist attractions in Vancouver, NOT because of the Olympics, but because of .......
YEEEEES!! The SuperDALE and her STINKY towel boy!!
"Friendship" and "Welcoming of the World" are the meanings of both the English Bay structure and the 2010 Winter Olympic emblem.
Now that you've seen Ilanaag and the Inukshuk, let me show you the road we took to get there.
We drove over the Burrard Bridge that connects Vancouver Westside (where we live) to Downtown Vancouver. We are about 10-15 minutes drive from DT Vancouver. See all the Olympic flags?
There are now designated Olympic lanes everywhere in Vancouver,
Only registered Official Olympic vehicles like this one are allowed to drive in those lanes,
GM vehicles volunteered about 4600 of these Olympic vehicles to the games to transport athletes and officials around town,
These vehicles will be sold at a discounted price after the games. All the Olympic decals will be removed, but a badge will remain to signify that it was once an Olympic vehicle. (anybody looking for an SUV by any chance? They will be sold throughout Canada and some parts of US!! Just thought I'd let you know *wink*)
We arrived to the beach on the downtown side, also know as English Bay.
It was a boootiful day. Can you believe it? This is the winter global warming is giving us!
I was allowed off-leash right away because, well, I'm a SuperDALE, and a PERFECT one that is!
STINKY on the other hand was kept on-leash because we had a clear view of the walk way along the beach. Clear view means STINKY could see the walk way from where we were, and that also means that if he saw a dog on the walk way, he'd leave us and go alllll the way over there to play (whether the dog wants to play or not). Hoomans walk their dogs on the walk way all the time, so STINKY on-leash (THANK YOU doG)!!
I was allowed to pee, he wasn't, (mum: OMG Sunshade! Of course he was!)
Anywhere I went, he DRAGGGGGED mum along.....
All the way to where I was,
As we walked further down the beach, mum did the unthinkable. She let STINKY off-leash so he could (torture me) have some fun.....
Obviously, I wasn't very pleased. Watch the two BIG landshark bites I took in the beginning of this video. That means lots of sandy slobber on my bootiful cheek and in my eye you know?
Did you hear mum growl?? How weird!!!!
Oh well, at least I got the fat stick,

He didn't! (Its in front of my SuperCHEST btw)

I was quite happy with my hard earned fat stick. Those are apartment buildings of downtown Vancouver behind me.

Nice, chewy, fat stick,

Then a dog showed up, and STINKY was, of course, ALL OVER HIM! How many dogs do you see in this picture?

One, two? Let me help you out a little,

Still don't?
How about now??

Yes, that's the boooootiful me waaaaay in the back, all covered up by STINKY and this other dog!!
When the dog left with his owner, STINKY left with him.

He always self invites into other dogs' spaces. Just as mum was getting ready to (leave me behind) chase after STINKY, he CAME BACK by HIMSELF.

Can you believe it?? (mum: this is huge for Jaffa as he loves dogs so much that he often "forgets" about me, and I would have to go get his attention and get him back.)
My torture, or abuse, however you want to look at it, continued.
Mum threw a log for ME,

STINKY took it!

Mum got a rockie for ME, and STINKY wanted it,

(mum: Jaffa was the polite one LOL!)

Only I know how to play with rockies. I'm the Rockie-Expert!

I posed for some booootiful pictures on this booootiful day,

Some of my bootiful pictures were RUINED on this bootiful day,

Here are a couple more examples of MY ruined pictures.
Why was he in front?
MOOOO-VE! Your shadow is covering MY bootiful face!!!

My perfect water-digging technique was half covered up by his stinky butt!!

Time to put him ON-LEASH pleeeeeease!

(mum: as we walked along the beach, the distance between the beach and the walk way shortened. Jaffa was put on leash as his ever scanning eyes was looking for more dog friends to play with.)
Finally, I was allowed a bit of peace with MY rockie,

I took a nice nap on the beach, under the shimmering sun on this bootiful day,

Better get all the rest I can,

Before the landshark STRIKES again!

Since I couldn't nap in peace, I decided that I might as well get going.
Vancouver's seawall is one of the most used features of the city by both locals and tourists. It features a well paved walking/biking/rollerblading path that offers stunning views of the Greater Vancouver and its coast mountain areas.
This is how you walk the seawall, properly,

You walk right against the wall, literally. Who cares if you get wet right??

(mum: Normally, we walk the paved walk way. However, since the tide was low today, we were able to walk the beach side.)
I am naturally drawn towards BIG rockies. Here are some HUGE, un-pickable rockies,

Our beach route ended as HUGE rockies were blocking the way,

So we headed up to the walk way towards the Inukshuk, (mum: this is how "people" walk the Seawall!)

I often waited and watched as mum attempted to tame the wild horse in blue harness, (do you see the tiny Inukshuk statue up ahead??)

Finally, we were there!

We posed forever for mum (while she did her "staaaaaay" chant). Then just as mum was about to give us the "OK" release, some French tourist (from France) yelled "PLEASE WAIT!!". Before we knew it, everyone was snapping pictures of us. We must have sat there for 10 minutes (which was equivalent to 10 hours Airedale time, and 200 hours STINKY time).
The Inukshuk was our destination, so instead of walking further towards Stanley Park, we turned around and headed back to the walk way.

Mum decided to let me walk off leash on the walk way after STINKY turned into a bucking bronco when we came face to face with another dog on leash. She said she needed both hands to hold the wild animal back. She also put him in a belly strangle,

I walked up ahead on my own, pretending I wasn't related to the embarrassing woman and her bucking bronco,

I took one last look at the Inukshuk,

And I let the Inukshuk have one last look at my MUSCLE BUTT! (that must be the luckiest stone statue in the world)

Then I walked ON the seawall,

I walked the seawall the SuperDALE way!

Yes, ONLY the SuperDALE walks ON the seawall,

(mum: Sunshade has always loved to walk on the raised ledge adjacent to the ocean. I don't know if its just her desire to get as close to the water as possible, or if its related to the agility training she had early on in her life.)
The tide had gone down even more as we headed toward the main beach. That's the Burrard Bridge you see in the background of this picture. We drove over the Burrard Bridge to get to English Bay!

Once we got back to the main beach, I enjoyed a much needed scratch,

And my torture started as soon as the wild beast was unleashed,

It was deja vu all over again,

You can see the above torture in live action on STINKY's blog....

I got MY rockie in my mouf,

Please save me and and MY rockie....

Thank you.... me and MY rockie are save now!

Our trip to see the Inukshuk ended here back at the DaleMOBILE, and it was time to wrap things up.

On the way back home, I situated myself as far away from the landshark/wild beast/bucking bronco as possible,

To prevent further sharkbites,

Also, to prevent suffocation from the stinky STINKY,

Yes, my nose was right next to mum's left shoulder on the driver's side.

Hope you are all enjoying the games!!
Thank you for the fabulous history on your Inukshuk, Sunshade! He does have one awesome view!
We watch the games every single night with mom and dad and we think of you and your mom! Vancouver is such a beautiful spot in the world!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Thank you for the tour and educational info! I may be coming up to Vancouver in June when my mom and aunties come for a visit and maybe I'll take them there!
rock experts rock!!!
teehee hee
thanks for sharing your most pawsome adventure
we wish we could go to the beach
pibble sugars
the houston pittie pack
What a pawsome stone statue! Despite the landsharking, it looks like the two of you were having a fabulous time!
Thanks for stopping by our bloggy. Now, on day 5, our mom is feeling a tiny bit better. We think everyone's prayers and Aire-zen must be working!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Wow - where do we sign up for the tour - what a GREAT guide you are - how much do you charge?
What an adventure - rocks, the beach, walks - we need to book our trip now.
Tell your mom to have a blast watching the olympic figure skating tonight, Sunshade! We'll be thinking of her and hoping the camera picks her out!
My Rehmannia 8 arrived in the mail today!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Miss Sunshade...it's so all about YOU!
I've tried to M YOU LATE you in life...I feel you are my mentor...
Course other dogs refer to your muscle and they just refer to my GIGANTIC CABOOSE...
I weigh 12 pounds...are they nuts??
So ya never got our package? Sheesch.
Mumsie mailed it to your address from a couple of years ago...you didn't move did ya?
We never got it back...
Shame I put Scruffy in that box too...just kidding...
Kisses to you and that HOT STINKY...
He loves you Sunshade...as do all your subjects...
Miss Laciegirlie
I love your tours of Vancouver and really, really want to see the area some day.
I was watching Olympics coverage and someone mentioned and showed Jaffa Dogs.
So, is our Jaffa named after the street food? Inquiring minds want to know.
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