Remembering on Remembrance Day
Today was Remembrance Day, day for the hoomans to remember our brave soldiers. So I, being the proud Dog-tizen of this country, did my part in remembering.....
Before I got out of the new DaleMOBILE (yes, no more SunshadeMOBILE...SIGH...),
I REMEMBERED to sit and act patient,
I REMEMBERED to act like I was waiting for MY ring patiently,
instead of just grabbing it out of the trigger-happy woman's hand like I usually do after the 200th picture (taken of me still IN THE CAR!).
Following is a Demonstrative Illustration:
I REMEMBERED to grab MY ring before leaving the DaleMOBILE, (not that I'd ever forget!)
I REMEMBERED to walk in the direction of the beach,
I REMEMBERED to look stern but still act patient with the trigger-happy woman,
I REMEMBERED to remind the trigger-happy woman that enough is ENOUGH!!
I REMEMBERED to continue walking towards my destination,
I REMEMBERED to tell the world that only the SuperDALE POO was allowed in that garbage bin,
(yes, the SuperDALE marks well.)
I REMEMBERED to not stare at weird, unusual looking things,
and walked by it politely without staring,
I REMEMBERED to ask politely for MY ring that I remembered to forget,
and not jump to grab it like I sometimes do.
Again, this is a Demonstrative Illustration:
I REMEMBERED to stay focused, and not let anything distract me from my objective - get to the beach,
I REMEMBERED to wait for the SuperSlowHOOMAN,
here I was.....
I REMEMBERED to give her a super warm welcome run when she finally arrived at the beach 2 hours later,
(mum: Sunshade LOVES the beach so soooooooo much. She can never wait to get TO the actual beach, so she's always walking ahead. Sometimes, way way ahead. With every 10 or 20 feet that she walks, she would look back to see if I was coming. As long as she could see me (and I could be as small as a grain of rice in her eyes because she's so far ahead), she would continue to walk towards the beach. She does and will come looking for me if she loses sight of me.)
I REMEMBERED to stroll the first beach,
gave it a good patrol on MY first beach!
I REMEMBERED to keep moving,
my second destination - The Dog Beach (its technically MINE, I just let the other dogs use it. I know, how generous!)
I REMEMBERED to do a bit a mingling,
to keep the trigger-happy woman happy (yes, she likes to see me mingle outside of my RING, pun intended)
I mingled as much as I could, unfortunately, there were no boyz with lovelies still attached... (mum: lovelies = testicles, Sunshade likes to play with un-neutered male dogs.)
I REMEMBERED about MY favouritest RING, and scanned with my SuperEYES for it,
When I couldn't find it, I REMEMBERED to ask for MY ring that I once again remembered to forget,
Of course, I REMEMBERED to greet MY ring with enthusiasm, (always!)
and took a picture with it in an un-natural state (out of my mouth),
I REMEMBERED to have a chat with the trigger-happy woman regarding all the sand on MY ring, as well as REMEMBERING to let her win sometimes to boost her canine mothering confidence (since STINKY does a great job lowering it by the things he does in public),
I REMEMBERED to show off MY smile,

MY athleticism,

I REMEMBERED to give respect and acknowledgment to fighter jet pilots,
(mum: Sunshade knows "plane plane" means airplanes, and whenever I say those words, she'd look up to the sky.)
I REMEMBERED to model for professional photographers,

(because they always want to take pictures of me!)
except this photographer was directionally confused as I was obviously more towards his right,

I REMEMBERED to check behind rocks for hiding rodents,

I decided to take a moment of silence to REMEMBER,

I REMEMBERED to show MY fascination towards the rock specie,
I REMEMBERED there was still a long stretch of beach yet to be strolled,

I REMEMBERED to keep the trigger-happy woman entertained by acting extremely interested with the rocks she was throwing into the water, (I think she was bored...)

(mum: I was not bored. It was actually the other way around LOL! Sunshade has a thing about rocks, she loves to pick up big rocks, and she loves to watch rocks fall into the water as well as the splashes that come with it. The little boy that's shown in the background of that last photo took a tumble on the beach. He must have hit his face on the sand as he was crying rather hysterically. The father then started throwing rocks into the ocean to distract the little guy and he stopped crying immediately. He was fascinated by the splashes the rocks made falling into the water. The father continued throwing. Few meters away, there I was, doing the same thing to keep my child entertained!)
I REMEMBERED to take the trigger-happy woman all the way down to the end of the beach,

and REMEMBERED to promptly turn around and start heading back in case the trigger-happy woman was tired,

Just to give you an idea, this is a map of our route (you can click on it to biggify). Red circles show some of MY must-visit destinations (mum: everytime!), orange dotted lines show MY actual route (mum: one way that is... LOL),

I REMEMBERED to take a moment and enjoy the night scenery, that's DT Vancouver across the water,

On our way back, I REMEMBERED to keep peace at the beach in honour of the soldiers we lost,

(mum: she's the fun police. When she thinks dogs are playing too rough, she tries to cut in between and shakes her ring. Funny thing is that, dogs actually stop when she does that. Probably because they don't know what this terrier is doing LOL!)
They just RESPECT me okay mum??
I REMEMBERED to establish the importance of MY ring,

I then REMEMBERED one should share the goods,

(mum: HA HA! She sort of got distracted and left her ring sitting on the beach where the other dog picked it up. She's not much of a sharer like she claims to be...hehe!)
I REMEMBERED to keep a close eye on MY ring,

I REMEMBERED to not get distracted,

I REMEMBERED to clarify things,

put things out in the open so there was no misunderstanding,

(SuperDALE Policy - I never try to take another dog's toy, I never try to play with another dog's mum, so I expect the same in return.)
Until my goal was achieved!!

I REMEMBERED a lot of things on Remembrance Day!!!
We loved your plane plane video, Sunshade! You are so adorable and we remember that your ring is so special to you and we remember that you LOVE rockies! DT Vancouver is just beautiful off in the distance!
Awesome pictures!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I love the beach too. I go there every week. I am like you. I also like to go exploring but jie jie never allow me to explore into the bushes cos there are monitor lizards that are longer than I. Did you see the video of me swimming? I loves to to play zoomies at the beach too.
A Superdale sure have a SUPER BRAIN. You remember lots of things.
BowWowie! You sure remembered alot of things. Remembrance day is a good thing.
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
ps-I WANT your ring!! It is fab!BRD
WOW - that sure is ALOT of stuff to remember!!!
You look so natural on the beach like you should be there EVERYDAY w/o "STINKY"
How do you get the sand out of your mouth?
Your ring looks like it has too much sand on it to be carrying it around - should have let the other pup get all the sand off it first....
HOW RUDE that dude with the camera was - he could have asked you to pose at least his shot would have been something somebody/anybody would like to look at....
Thank you for sharing
wow your map sure does prove how well you covered that beach. You did an amzing job hitting every spot with all those different things to remember!
Hi, Sunshade!
Pawesome Remembrance Day post!
I remember too how much you love your beach, your ring, your rockies!
Kisses and hugs
Oh and your ring!!! Frankly, I like my rings with hooooooge sparkly diamonds in them...but, we all have our own ringy ideas...Scruffy and Stanley were totally fannin' themselves after lookin' at your muscle butt in these pix...
We adored the clouds over bootiful your city is...
Such a lovely Rememberance Day, dear Sunshade...
And we're thinkin' it might be your barkday too????
Happiest Barkday, Miss Sunshade!!!
Love and kisses,
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanners!
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