Calling all you Johnny Depp fans!!!!
I'm sure all you ladies out there just looooove, and can't wait to get your hands on Johnny Depp aka. Captain Jack Sparrow right??
Well here is your best chance!!
(you can click on the picture to enlarge and take a better look at the hot actor)

This is an almost exact replicate of Captain Jack Sparrow. He acts the same, his ever moving mouth actions are almost the same, and he can do crazy eye ball rolling actions like Captain Jack Sparrow!
SOOOO?? What are you waiting for?? You will never come across another Johnny Depp lookalike like this!!!
Please contact me, Captain Jaffy's poor little assistant if you are interested,

I'm no Angelina Jolie, so I'm not available unfortunately....

Oh and I almost forgot, he is very sweet as well. He will buy you glamorous costumes that you can umm....wear to the Oscars..!

Gosh Miss Sunshade, its a tempting offer, but we already have plenty of guys around here. Now if a certain muscle butt'd lassie was interested...
Jaffa is a wee bit too young for me but I do have to say that he is a very cute Captain Jack and if I were a whole lot younger..................
Love ya lots,
Hi, Sunshade!
Sure Jaffa looks great! I know he is going to be a hit!
Kisses and hugs
He's super handsome but like Maggie he's a bit on the young side for us - wouldn't want be accused of being "COUGARS!!"
Good Luck and best wishes in your attempt to give Jaffa a vaction!!
I am a boy so I don't want him. Good luck though
If this works, Tanner is going to be right behind him!
Almost exact is right!
Have you found the Depp Effect blog? Right up your alley...
Send him my way. And soon! I'll make sure he feels right at home.
So glad all of you are back.
Oh my,
what a great costume for Holloween. You're look pawsome!!! ^.^v
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