SHE did it AGAIN!!!
Yea you read it right, I'M MOVING OUT with MY Georgie!!!!! I packed Georgie's pellets, MY RING, MY special rockies, MY pine cones, and some Turkey Parme Biscotties.
We are ready, now we just need to know where to go!
You must be wondering WHY I would want to leave my seemingly wonderful home and my seemingly not so EVIL mum. Well, this is why!
She left with ONE STINKY,
Came back with TWO STINKIES! (Just look at their leashes, that's enough to make you go nutty....)
I was *almost* gonna forgive her when I saw she had bought me HUGE new bed, a bag of Innova EVO (the grain free kibble), some treats, some new toys, and the best of all - a huge container of COOKED shepherd's pie (minus the mashed potatoes).
But guess what she told me?? Those aren't for you Sunshade, those are Stella's.
To make things worse, the STINKIES (original STINKY + STINKY # 2) completely ignored my presence,
How dare they ignore the QUEEN in HER own castle???
Here I was trying to tell them how rude it was for them to ignore ME, and well, did they look like they paid any attention to the low growl I was giving??
Not only that, they STUNK up my bed, so I had to sleep on the floor while they slept on their comfy beds. Where is the justice in that??
I found it hard even to sleep with their presence.... they stink! Now, did they look like they care their poor Aunt was having a hard time breathing??
Even when they saw me dying, their tails were wagging non-stop, no remorse whatsoever. (the reason you don't see either of their tails in this picture is because they were waggging too fast...)
Did they care when I finally succumbed to their stinkiness??
Just look at them, not only were they totally oblivious of their poor Aunt, STINKY #2 even mocked me by copying my dying position!
Now, do you blame me for wanting to LEAVE???

I'm taking MY Georgie because I love him and I don't want him to get stinkified if I left him behind.
Here is the application form if you like us, (click on the picture to enlarge it)

Wow Sunshade...looks like you mean business. Especially since you are bringing Georgie (who by the way is HUGE!!!! Does he eat special bunny-grow or something?).
Is Stella just visiting or back permanently?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Aw Sunshade, you can come and cheer me up. Fat Flakes makes lots of treats you can eat in her litter tray, she definitely needs some exercise and I have a garden in need of some Airedale landscaping. I do think your mum would miss you lots though. maybe you should just peg your nose and rise out the Stinky invasion.
Katy x
You can come with us to Nantucket, Sunshade! By the time we come home, Stella will be gone! Georgie can come along too! The more- the merrier! Give it serious thought, okay?
Love ya lots,
2.maybe. I weigh 55 pounds. is that big? (sorry, no lovelies)
4.yes! I chase them. They chase me! I like to poke them with my nose!
5.I don't know. I can't get into the basement. There's a gate in the way. Can we chase your bunny too? I've never met a real live bunny. I think he's bigger than my kitties!
6.queen. w/ 2 people & 2 kitties & me.
8.yes, but it's just a reservoir.
10.yes, but you have to share way!
Oh... its just too bad that I am not qualified to have you staying with me... I dun think you and Georgie will have problem finding a home. After all you are a superdale who can do any and everything!
PS: You should list the need for you to have a pawsonal computer to be part of "qualities" you are looking for so that you can continue to update your blog.
1. No. You would be the only dog!
2. No. But I know where five Airedale Boyz live within driving distance ...
3. Going to store right now.
4. Yes, four of them. One who loves Airedales and plays with them. Big Roy weighs 25 pounds and can hold his own.
5. Five! All waiting to be cleaned.
6. King-size. For you, the husband finally goes.
7. Feel free. Maybe I'll finally get the pool I want after you dig some good holes.
8. Yes. Five Great Lakes all within driving distance.
9. Many kinds and sizes, all for you.
10. Yep. My car is a dog-mobile already.
11. Nope. She's 20 and you can have her room if you can get her to leave for the college dorms.
Pick me!
Hey Sunshade,
We hear would LOOOVVEE to have both you
and your bunny.
And my mum would spoil the both of you.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Awww Sunshade!
It's only 10 days!!
Just think of it as a stinkified vacation...! ;)
Love your blog,
Dog lover
OMD Sunshade! You're Mom keeps on bringing stinkies home!! Why oh why?? But wait, it says Stella is only over for 10 days. I guess you and Georgie don't have to run away after all!
PS: THANK YOU so much for the birthday pressie. Mommys gonna post some pics as soon as her friend returns her camera! Thanks you very very much. You are the bestest.
You know there is always room for you in my fuzzy bed...
I've got 4 kitties, 4 cat boxes, an ample supply of daily new pine cones, and of course I'm still, ahem, a "complete" man. We'll go for long daily walks (during which we can do some his-and-hers digging) and maybe you can teach me how to swim (hey, the whole Pacific Ocean is close by). I'll even let you sit in the front seat (my co-pilot seat) when we ride in the car...
And of course Georgie can come too...
Big Aire Kisses,
No kids, it would just be US...
BWAWAWAbwawaw and more BWAWWAbwawa.
Great post!! Someone please help me off the floor. Just too funny.
Sunshade, my Moxie would have empathized with you completeley. Its one thing to be a good hostess, but another to be imposed upon. {Snarl, snap, snarl}
BTW... I think Bogart is serious!!!
Moxie & Buster (RIP their their mischevious souls.)
To be so abused... and in your own home! I think you should take Bogart up on his offer - he's got it all.
I'd make the offer & apply, but I'm nowhere near the beach, and my lovelies are LOOOOOONG gone!
Goober (NOT Stinky) love,
Pee Ess
Georgie is so lucky that you're watching out for him. Wouldn't want a stinkified bunny.
sunshade, me me me me me me me me!!!
i'm the perfect house mate for ya. i love airedale and huge rabbit! LOl
wet wet licks
Sunshade come stay with me... you can bring Georgie with you to pawties together too....
~ Girl girl
sunshade, I think you and I should move out together, with Georgie of course. I hear california is nice...
I was doing so well and then the beach thing came up. Mind you the last thing I want is another evil bunny.
Simba xx
oh no, we dont qualify cos we have a stinky too at home. Human Stinky!
Boy n Baby
Wow. We're speechless! Sunshade, that is the hugest rabbit we've ever seen. Do you fertilize it or something? I'm Scruffy, a WFT and I live with Lacie a Lakeland pup who looks just like you but only weighs 9lbs. so far. She makes stinkies sometimes. Define "stinky." We have one litter box, but the kitties live in NC. We have 3 rivers...we live in Pittsburgh. Umm..hooman pups have left. Lotsa food and plenty of toads...visit our blog sometime!!!
Wiry barks and Lakie licks....Scruff and Lac!
Hey Sunshade, I'd like to offer a home to the GIANT rabbit! He looks soooo tasty "ahem" sorry, I meant to say he looks so cute. J x
I had to come back to this darling post when I got home from work.
One thing I noted that stuck in my mind all day was how Jaffa & Stella (aka, Stellie, Qila, Ivy) are stuck like to glue to each other.
One precious picture when I first took note of this - was in the 'sighhhh they don't care...." pic.
They're still puppies lying on top of each other. Too cute.
Moxie & Buster (RIP their mischevious souls.)
Hey Sunshade...Gee..what super pallets does Georgie eat?? He's growing at an alarming rate.
I think Stella will be going back soon so I guess you have to hang in there..... :(
I am sending two one way tickets to MN. My family would LOVE to have you and you can help Jordan with his landscaping!! He LOVES to dig too. I hope you don't consider me a stinky.....I''m still little. But I don't stink I promise. PLUS we have a kitty and nummy kitty treats!
Come to me Sunshade!!! Mom only got me and mom would love us both!!!!
is nice of u 2 bring along georgie...
i might not hv sunshade mobile...but i hv PaccoMobile!
Hi Sunshade,
OMdoG.. the number of stinkies is increasing... 3 against 1 now!!
C'mon over... I'll take you out on a date in my HuskeeMOBILE. *muahs*
Oh man, another Stinky in your home? Owh, that just stinks! Hey, can I adopt you both. Here's the application form:
1) Nope! No Stinkies! We three are clean doggies & we always smell good with smelling good minty breaths! Ahhhh...
2)Oh man, no doggie boyz but we've got one hooman boy with loveliest still attached. Heeheehee!
3)Oh we have all of those except Turkey but we can head to the store now & buy some.
4)Oh yes! We currently have two freaky kitties which I think you would love to exercise with. One's three legged & the other's paralyzed. Should be easy catch...
5)One. One very stinking litter box filled with fresh chocolate lumps & orange juice.
6)My hoomans have a queen size bed. Good enuf?
7)Oh man, we ave no yard but we usually go to a empty corner house which has a lot of land for you to landscape all you want!
8)Oooops! Nope! But we got a large foldable pool. Is that acceptable?
9)Nope. No pine cones here in Malaysia...
10)Oh yeah!!! Choose whatever SunshadeMOBILE you want!
11)Well, one is over the age of 18, one's 18 & one's 17(that's my mommy) Is that okay?
Phew! That's a looooong one. So? What do you say?
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You could come stay with us, but I think you might think of us as two stinkies too!
Darn those peeps, bringing home MORE STINKIES to YOUR HOUSE!
Murph : )
Wow that is one huge bunny. I don't think we've ever seen one that big!!
Enjoy your compay...
Love, Seadra and Zoe
How cute! 2 stinkies and a beautiful Ms. Sunshade! By the way, no BIG handsome fella at my house, but a small studly guy like me! You can come and stay with me and we can kick my two stinky brothers out to go live with your two stinkies!
Oh My Doggggggg! It's a Stinky Invasion!
My mother is cracking up here.
Sunshade! Sunshade!
You and Georgie are always welcomest here! Let ME know when you want to arrive and we'll make arrangements, okay! :)
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
oh poor sunshade...i feel for you lady...i have a little stinky here who is getting on my last nerve...sure he is only a foster baby...but i get no could live is only a ferrie ride away...but the stinky...well you know...things will get better...i dont know if i could really look after georgie though...i have never been up close and personal to a bunny.
Hi, Sunshade.
Sure I don't qualify to get you here, but I really love to have you and Georgie here with me!
I hope you can find a home that is free of stinkies!! Or simply wait, 10 days are nothing!
Have a good night
Here baby, I got everythg you want !!!
hi Sunshade,
much as i empathise with your situation, i tot Jaffa & Stella r reali sweet, n i'm sure Stella wasn't mocking u...
hang on there... 10 days would soon be over.
Pee.S: i think Georgie is as big as i am...
well, I have tried to fill out the application form but unfortunately I was laughing so much that I cannot complete it!
Hold on tight, Sunshade, not long to go!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
Oh, Miss Sunshade! You don't really want to leave your Mum now do you? Look at all the wonderful things you have. Besides, your Mum sez that Stinkie 2 is only there a short time. It will be over soon!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie & Peaches
Oh Miss Sunshade... I am sorry that you are having to take applications for a new home. Your mom really should consult with you before she brings home these stinkies!!! Your application CRACKED me up!
I'm taking this seriously, Sunshade. When will we know if you and Giant Georgie are coming to stay?
If you can't make the trip, maybe you can send Jaffa and Princess Stella.
Oh Sunshade,
You sure have problems. I don't blame you at all for wanting to leave home when you are treated like that.
Your application form is very thorough. I am sure you will come up with the perfect place.
Lots of luck in your new home search.
Koobuss Kisses,
Miss Sunshade
I'm devastated that I don't fit your wequiwements, I'd love fow you and geowgie to come stay hewe,but I only have and apt.,no caw,no big handsome doggies,no cats,no litter boxes..I flunk
so sowwy
smoochie kisses and good luck
I will take you & Georgie in a heartbeat but I do have a ULTRA Stinky at home myself!
I'll put her up for adoption right now in exchange for you Sunshie.
hey hey sunshady lady! i dont blame you for wanting to move out. i wud offer you my home but i am selfish and dont want to share my peepol wif anyone.
your stinkies are very rude to ignore you while they play puppy games and stink up all your fresh aire. before you go i think you shud eat a big pile of broccoli and let some stinky wind fly in theyr general direction... then run! run! run like the wind!
tee hee.
luv ivy
G'day Miss Sunshade,
Do you want to come and live wif me in Oz? We have a California King size bed - lots of woom for you.
xxx Asta down under
Oh dear Sunshade, I don't meant to laugh. I feel sorrie for you and Georgie but this post of yours cracked me up! I hope your mom makes up to you somehow. *Hugs*
But just think of it this way Sunshade, the terrible trials in life your mom puts you through, may be for your benefit!
I know you can't see it now, being hurt to the core, by her seeming uncaring attitude...
the very idea bring more stinkies
what is she thinking?
Still, it may make you even wiser, and you will have compassion if some other mom of your dog friends should catch whatever you mom got.
You will be able to relate and "feel their pain".
That's a good thing huh?
Besides this stinky will be outta there soon.... just open all the windows, insist mom washes all the bedding, and give you major treats!
Poor Sunshade! I don't qualify. There are no beaches anywhere near, but we do have mountains and creeks. I'm in the process of convincing my parents to get me some kids so that wouldn't work either! Good luck though!!
Haha Poor sunshade,
I bet you are really really angry this time.
Even Georgie is going with u.
JJ is checking thru ur application list to see if we fit the criteria.
We will check the air fare charges to bring u over to Sunny Singapore!
Lots of love,
sunshade jiejie! you can buy a ticket for yourself and georgie and come to live here with me! georgie will love my peepee and poopoo (netherland dwarves) while you and i can squeeze and cuddle together on my cosy little bed! if you like, i can also get dad and mom off their queen sized bed so that we can sleep there!
Very cute, but I think Sophie would try to eat Georgie.
She also has exactly the same bed as Stella, only in blue!
hi - love ur blog :)
and this post cracks us up. thanx for bringing laughter, u're great.
would come by again!
BamBam & Eski, Singapore
wow!!!!! Georgie is eating your food or what? she is big!!!!!
You're great, Sunshade!
1. no.
2. well, do I count?
3. yes
4. yes, there are 3 kitties that need to be 'taken care' of
5. 2 plus there's the outdoor cat to clean up after
6. too small
7. mom & I disagree about this one
8. we're a couple of hours away
9. oh yes, just down the street
10. if I can ride in it too
11. nope; ate 'em all
Miss Sunshade,
Did you pack your special stuffies in that little suitcase? You would miss them so much if they stayed behind!!
Those two Stinkies look pretty sinister. I don't blame you for feeling uncomfortable, but I think your mom would miss you badly if you left!
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