How much do I LOVE my ICE CREAM???
How much do I really LOVE MY ICE CREAM???
Yes mum, I see where it says "calories" and "fat" OKAY??? You don't need to circle it out. (mum: just thought I would point it out to you..)
I love ICE CREAM THIS much!
Let me tell you where this all began...
After my Dairy Queen ICE CREAM post, I got a very nice comment from "Dog Lover" who kindly reminded me that too much ICE CREAM was not good for me. While deep down inside, I knew Dog Lover was right especially when I have been trying to lose weight (mum: was = 72 lbs, should be = 62 lbs, currently = 69 lbs (that is BEFORE all that ice cream)); I still hid the comment from mum. I knew she would agree with Dog Lover. I was afraid she would stop giving me ICE CREAMS, so yes, I didn't let her read the comment. However, I took the advise close to heart, and decided to do myself some good and control my ICE CREAM cravings by staying away from my secret stash.....
Everything was going well at first....
Mr. GooberStan challenged me in the HOW I LOVE ICE CREAM photo contest held by Airedale Rescue of North Texas to try and raise money for Airedales in need.
Stanley stepped up his game, and submitted 3 more AA++ photos of himself eating ICE CREAM with ICE CREAM smeared all over his snout.
Since I, being the SuperDALE, don't back down from challenges. I went and got out my secret stash of ICE CREAM.
Mum, wanted it of course...
Geez... that woman weighs almost double of what I weigh and she's still trying to EAT?? Why can't I eat 'til I'm 123 lbs then??
STINKY wanted it too of course, because anything I have, he wants.
So I told them....
STINKY stunk up MY ICE CREAM in the end.... so I didn't want it anymore...
(mum: the reason Sunshade wasn't eating the ice cream in the end was because Jaffa was in possession of the bucket. Sunshade will guard her food against other dogs when it's in "her" possession or if I have it, but once it's in the other dog's possession, she will not try to get it back. Sometimes she might go up to the dog and wag her tail politely as a distraction tactic LOL.)
He stunk up MY ICE CREAM.....
(mum: but you still ATE it!!)

And in case you were wondering, NO... I didn't get to finish the bucket. My EVIL mum took it away after the photo shoot. The bucket is now back in the freezer, mind you there are quite a few dead frozen buggies stuck to the ice cream now (extra protein!!).
Wow missy! You really LOVE ICE CREAM!!!! You should definitely win! Oh yes, that mister Stanley was challenging me too. But I'm too late to take more pics of me eating ice cream! Damn!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
OMG you got a whole bucket of ice cream! We NEVER EVER get that much! How lucky you and Jaffa are! Hey Sunshade, how come you don't share more nicely?
Love ya lots,
Ice cream? No-one likes it here so I've never had it.
And in answer to your question. Yes of course they are mine. They are very big and I am proud of them.
If you look at the other piccy of me eating chips you might spot some other bits too.....I got very excited eating the chips.
OMG! Sunshade! An entire bucket of ice cream!!!! That cone I had the other night was the most I have ever had in my whole life ... I am not even sure I will get that much anytime soon either!!!!! I want to come there to live with you where there are ice cream BUCKETS!!!!!!!!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
when is the hot dog contest gonna start????
oh, miss sunshade is in action again. we didn't know you love ice cream until the last post! now u get to eat the whole box? i'm just too envy.
wet wet licks
Miss Sunshade:
We're amazed at how much your willing to do through your selflessness to help AIREDALE RESCUE....
muy bien!!!
the whole bucket wow! you really love ice cream
V-e-r-y i-m-p-r-e-s-s-i-v-e my dear...
Love & Aire Kisses,
Wow! Did you see the size of the portion of frosty paws that I got? It looks like a thimble-sized amount compared to your bucket! Can I come and live with you? J x
I don't ever want to hear you complain about your (not) Evil Mum again! Look at how much ice cream she gets for you and then it's to support Airedale Rescue.
Ooh, CC-man and I love ice cream too. CC-man actually drools over it and licks the inside of his beak. Then he gets a big glob and gets it to slide down his beak (hee hee). Mom doesn't let me eat it anymore because of my stupid diet. Maybe she'll let me cheat just a wee bit before the summer's over...
Hey Sunshade,
WOW a whole bucket of ice scream
thats cool.
We went out and I got some ice scream
today and we took lots of pictures so I will get my hoomans to post them.
And it is nice to see and hear from you.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
You both I hope you realize how lucky you are to have such a great mom .......
Kisses, Faya
(Bow)wow, ice cream. I've only ever got a little taste, and I can understand why you'd go potty for it, Sunshade.
I wouldn't mind even if it was stinkified!
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
I'm glad you mommy took the bucket away! I know I know, we will all love to finish it in one sitting but Sunshie, U gotta watch the waistline there too.
U look beautiful now, gotta maintain it eh.
Whooo! That ice cream looks GOOOOOD. Your entries in the contest were fantastic! My ma ape got me LOW FAT ice cream--can you even believe it? How rude.
dang you are good about getting jaffa to back off of YOUR ice cream, he literally shakes when you yell at him!
I sure would love to have a GIANT bucket of ice cream for ME, but Mom is mean and won't give it to us!
Who care bout the calories, fat or what so ever as long as its FOOD !! and WE LOVE FOOD!!! especially ice cream!!
Woh Ice cream with extra protein. Sound yummy. I wish I get some ice cream too~
~ girl girl
You look as beautiful as ever even if your mom says that you should lose some weight. Maybe you can run more instead of cutting back on ice cream?
Boy n Baby
I wish I had my own personal bucket of icecream. My mom got her icecream maker out and made homemade icecream this weekend and now I'm going to figure out how to make my own icecream while she's at work.
OHMIGOSH! You actually mentioned me & my comment! Thank you! But I see it didn't keep you from your GIGANTIC BUCKET ICE CREAM FRENZY!...with Stinky, of course!
Love all your pictures and video!
Dog lover
You had a giant bucket of ice cream??? How nice is that!!
Momo xoxo
I know what you mean about ice cream. I use the excuse that it is good for me. Just think of all that yummy healthy calcium!
Snickers and Sharon
I can't believe how lucky you are to get ice cream in a bucket! I can tell how much you love it!!
- Charlie
whole bucket of ice-cream!!
watch ur weight dear....
I thought ice cream was good..LOL! Then why does MOm always pig out and not share with me?
Wow that looks yummy - we love vanailla too!
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