Okay... I hate myself for writing this, but... um.... how should I put this... um... well um... lately.. I've been noticing that I start to have involuntary tail wags whenever I um.... get a whiff of um.... STEAMY.. I mean, STINKY.. I don't know how, I don't know why, but my tail just starts wagging and I don't think he stinks anymore... This is so embarrassing... I even play with him now...
What has happened to me??? I know I luuuv un-neutered males, but this is um... STINKY we're talking about for crying out loud!!!
(mum: this girl is helpless around testosterone LOL, and Jaffa's testicles have descended. Sometimes she remembers he's "STINKY" and gets all bossy, but a lot of the times, she's very tolerant of him LOL.)
This was our first ever play after 4 months of having STINKY,
(mum: they had been playing so nicely and quietly while I was upstairs, as soon as I came down with the camera, Sunshade wasn't sure if she should be the boss or play..hehe!)
Second play the next day,
And now we do this few times a day......
I even let him put his paw ON me!!! Like THIS!

I NEVER let dogs do that to me unless they are handsome un-neutered males because I don't like other dogs being dominant over me!!!!
I'm not suppose to like STINKY!!
Oh my gosh if that doesn't look like life at my house! I'm so glad you two are finally playing bitey face!
Love ya lots,
sunshade, gosh, i hope you are not trying to *ahem* stinky!!!
wet wet licks
You two look very very happy. Your tails didn't even stop wagging...Yeah, I hope you aren't going to start to erm....u know what Stinky boy....
Sunshade ! It is not a tail that you have but a ventilator...hahahahaha.....Kiss, Faya
Maybe Stinky is not stinky anymore... But he still looks scared of you. Just want to ask you, why Jaffa keeps on licking your mouth? A few dogs have done this to me before & I don't like it at all... Kinda gross actually. Exchanging salivas! Eeeew!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow Sunshade...who would have thought. I've always thought Stinky, I mean Jaffa was kinda Steamy...good that you are finally getting with the program. But isn't it a little weird and all that you are related???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hmm well is your mom getting stinky neutered? If she is then things will go back to normal I suppose.
Oooo Sunshade, what did I tell U.
Before you know it, U will be ripping the airticket to Taiwan into shreds!
Oh no Oh no... You are falling in love with Jaffa?
Boy n Baby
Does this means Jaffa gets to stay? He is such a cutie!
I saw this coming, and not just because you left a hint for me on my airemail! So, what's the poop? Does PupSteamy get to stay or is he getting the boot to Taiwan?
Your Goober,
omdog what is going on here!!!!! i am glad tanner and I are not the only noisy players. BUT I cannot believe this new revelation you've had!!
Oh Sunshade, what are you like with the testosterone! That's you nephew you know!
Oscar x
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