My house STINKS!!!!!
I had a great weekend over in Victoria. Grandpa took me to many of my puppyhood places to visit. I even went to Oak Bay Marina to watch the seals (mum: as in bark and try to eat pieces of raw fish thrown for the seals.). Maybe if the camera isn't occupied by the STINK monsters next time, I can show you how I watch the seals!
However, all good things must come to an end......
Grandpa and I came back from our weekend trip to a STINKY house....
I could smell it even before I got in the house. Do you see STINKY # 1 waiting for me??? He was getting ready to do his famous land shark attacks.
Grandpa was wiping my feet here (because my EVIL mum is annoying, even grandpa agrees with me, but he still wipes my feet just so she can be quiet).
So I came inside , and not only was I greeted by an enthusiastic land shark aka. STINKY # 1, I could barely breath....
(mum: Qila was in the crate because I didn't want the pups to overwhelm Sunshade, and Qila is usually the braver one that's right in Sunshade's face LOL!)
I sniffed MY STINKY house carefully, every inch of it. Thank doG mum had the sense to move my big bed, and the tunnel out of the STINKIES' way (mum: tunnel was moved to prevent the pups from going onto the sofa bed.)
I sniffed the STINKY bed, the STINKY toys, the STINKY kitchen, and I HAD HAD ENOUGH!
So when the land shark decided to take a bite at my boooootiful ear, I let him know not to mess with a grumpy Aunty Shark!!
The STINK inside the house was just too much for me, so I decided to go downstairs to check out MY Georgie and get away from the STINK and the STINKIES (or the land shark).
(mum: Sunshade goes downstairs everyday to check out her Georgie. Sometimes she will lie down beside the cage and be down there for 1+ hour, sometimes it's just a quick 5 min check up to make sure he's alright and she comes right back up.)
Finally, I succumbed to the STINKINESS....... (mum: my drama queen LOL)

(mum: Jaffa really missed Sunshade. It was the first time she's ever been away from him, so he just stayed as close to Sunshade as she would let him and followed her around.)
Yipee Sunshade is back!!! Miss you miss you miss you!!!
Oh Miss Sunshade, it wasn't all that bad was it? I'll bet little Stinky was very excited to see you back.
Snickers and Sharon
Hi Sunshade!~ So glad you're back from Victoria!!! We missed you!!!!
Oh my...your house must have been full of super duper stinkiness when you got back huh?? I hope you didn't faint for too long!!!
You are back !! You are back !!
I miss you soooooooooo much Sunshade darling. Im sorry that you need to stay in that STINKIES house but yet you are the QUEEN !!!
You can do anything you want, just chase them out the house, let them sleep outside. wahahahaha....Im the EVIL !!
Hi Sunshade! Hi!
Oh, I am gladdest that you are back from Victoria and that you had a goodest time! Jaffa is also gladdest that you are back it seems -- this is cute:) How is little Qila -- do you think that someday her stink will go away?:) Talk to you soon!
Your Friend,
Putter ...:)
Welcome back Miss Sunshade. Glad you had such a nice visit. See how much Jaffa missed you...he doesn't want to leave you are lucky to have a Jaffaman!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Miss Sunshade:
Oh, how I feel your pain. You and stinky look like me and Lillie Monster. She bugs me just like that too. Isn't it annoying. I hope you are alright after fainting. You are such a pretty girl.
Mr. Whiskers
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa We're so glad you're back and I KNOW Jaffa is! Isn't it nice to know that you were truly missed!
Sorry about the stink Sunshade! Tell mom to aire out the house!
Love ya lots,
Poor Sunshade! It's nice that you're back but it's a shame it is so STINKY in your house.
How's Georgie doing? Did he miss you? I want a giant rabbit. Sigh. But my ma ape is worried my sissy would want to eat it. Stinky sissies!
gosh sunshade, did you wish you didn't come home now that the house is stinks?? hehehe.
wet wet licks
Aw how sweet that Jaffa was SO excited to see you back! I'm glad you're back too Miss Sunshade!!!
Sunshade is BACK! yay! How was Georgie?? I am glad you are back and I feel bad your house is invaded :(
Aw, Sunshade. Were you secretly hoping that the stinkies would be gone when you got back? Hey, at least they hadn't multiplied AGAIN!
I keep getting lots of compliments on my lovely barkday tag, thank you again!
Oscar x
Oh Miss pweetty Sunshade, I know how much you're suffering in that Stinky house filled with stinkies. It's sooo painful isn't it to be near with them but sometimes, we just have to suffer a wee bit & get used to the smell. LOL!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hello missy.. we miss you so much.. i think jaffa also.. he kept following you up and down.. give him a chance to prove his worth okay??
Wow, two stinkies, I am still in shock!
I love to play Land Shark and bitey face, hee hee, I am really good at it!
Sunshade, when it all gets too much tell your (Not) Evil Mum to put you on the train to Michigan. I promise no stinky puppies and there are five cat boxes with your name on them.
You are so nice to Georgie. Did Georgie stink too since the shole house was stinked up..hehe
Boy n Baby
All Jaffa talk talked about while you were gone gone was you you! Everything he told Qila started with, "My Sunshade said..." or "My Sunshade does this..." He missed you, girl! Let him love you.
About the stink, I agree with Maggie. Have your mum Aire out the house and get back to being the QUEEN!
Goob love & kisses,
sunshade...everytime my mom sees a dog like you she says..maybe that is sunshade...maybe that is sunshade...she is such a dork..but alas non of the mommies or daddies looked like your grampa..oh was fun wondering..i hope you had fun on my island sunshade...sorry you had to go home to the stinkies though
Your Stinky #1 missed you lots, look how vewy happy he is to see you, just put his air fweshener tag on, and get one for #2Stinky and all willbe fine
Welcome back Miss Sunshade...we all missed you
smoochie kisses
Hi Sunshade,
Jaffa really adores you! If I were you, I'll just bask in all the attention!!
The stinky smell finally made you pass out. Poor thing, air freshner and lots of it.
Simba xx
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