It's Victoria Day long weekend here, and mum planned a little trip to take us on. Mum and her friend made an AireMOBILE!!

The middle row of seats were folded and stored underneath the floor, so STINKY and I could have lots of space for our beds. The last row of seats was covered by my blankies, and I sometimes laid on there, cause I'm THE Queen!

Being high up also allowed me to keep a check on what was going on outside.

When I get tired of being in the back, I told my well behaved mum to "Go to the back" and "Lie Down" and "STAAAY", so I could ride SHOT GUN!

We stopped mid-way because, well, Miss Sunshade was *ahem*.. HUNGRY, see my hungry face??

Apparently, it's normal for females my age (7 dog years or 49 hooman years) to have sudden cravings. So I'm considered completely normal.
I was so hungry to the point where I just wasn't thinking straight anymore. I started demanding food uncontrollably....

Anyway, I ALWAYS get my way. The hoomans stopped at Wendy's and got STINKY and I each a baked potato (sour cream & chives flavour to be exact) to eat. I told mum to put FULL cream on mine!!

STINKY only got half cream because mum was worried it might be too rich for him.
(Update: he was fine, steel stomachs run in the family!)

That STINKY, he only ate about half of his baked potato. Being a good girl, I hated to see food go to waste, so I cleaned the rest of his baked potato up for him. This is the bestest diet I've ever been on!!!
After I finished my baked potato AND STINKY's left over one, I went on Wendy's Fries Patrol,

Bummer, I got a total of "3" pieces of fries.... what kind of paying job was that??
We crossed the Canada/US border, drove a little bit more, and came to this ferry terminal,

We were taking the Kingston, WA ferry?? Ah oh... this is bringing back memories...
I walked around the terminal while we waited for the ferry to come,

Time to go on the ferry!

AireMOBILE making its way into the ferry tummy,

The ferry ride was only about half an hour, and once we got to Kingston, WA, we drove another two hours to here,

So... we went back to me and STINKY's birth place - Port Angeles, WA....
Okay... it's not that I don't like my birth place, I have nothing against it and it is a lovely town. However, the last two times we were there, a new STINKY came back with us each time:
Sooo, was this time gonna be different?? Much to my surprise, we didn't go to my breeder Jan's house! We came here,
(HEY! WHAT are you looking at? The hotel sign right??)
To the beach in front of the Red Lion Hotel where STINKY and I were allowed to run around,
This was the best picture mum got of us in action, you see me?? I'm the prettier one!
Here is us in ACTION!After our beach romp, we walked around a bit more,
(yup, that's MY sign in case you didn't notice!)I LOVE to walk on docks, it's always been this way, so I took mum and STINKY down a long ramp,
To walk around the docks,
It was STINKY's first time walking on docks. He wasn't sure about the long ramp with see through railings and water on either side, but he trusted me and followed me no problem. That's Red Lion Hotel behind us, across the water.
(mum: you can really tell Jaffa feels safe when he's with Sunshade. Anything he sees Sunshade doing, he will give it a good try.)Mum let me off leash because I love to look over edges of the dock and enjoy the view/smell of the evening water. STINKY wasn't too sure about looking over the edge, but he looked anyway. Mum had him on leash because he's still doesn't have full control of his limbs (and jaws for that matter!!) yet.
Then I took mum and STINKY to check out the play ground. I love play grounds, they are all designed for ME to play you know?
I had to check every inch of the play ground out!!!
(mum: the puppy testing the breeder did on Sunshade at 7 weeks of age showed her to be a very curious pup. Well, the test result holds true even 'til today, 7 years later!
If you click on the page, Sunshade's results are highlighted. She was marked "point on the nose", and the word underneath her name was "curious". She retrieved "readily", and today, she still loves to retrieve and is an excellent retriever, especially in water!)
It was a long day, and finally, we settled into our hotel room. I was very please there was no "extra STINKY" this time, just me and the original STINKY!