This evening, at about eight, mum took me to this place.
Yup, it is YVR - Vancouver International Airport. I've been to this place many times before; I've watched hoomans I love being eaten by the evil gate and disappear forever (ok, I might be exaggerating a bit, but for a long long LOOOOONG time). So I wasn't particularly excited about going. However, I didn't mind it too much since mum and I weren't taking someone I love there.
I saw a bunch of check in counters,
A foooooooood court!
AND THEN......
Mum said "Where is VERONICA???"
Did you say VERONICA???? My favouritest person other than mum and grandpa???? I wrote about MY Veronica when I first started blogging since she's a very important part of my life or those of you who don't know who Veronica is, you can read about her here:
There she was....MY Veronica, waiting for MEMEMEMEMEMEME!! See how I picked her out right away from far far away and headed straight over????? Mum had to let go of my leash because she couldn't run with the leg breakers she was wearing.
Did you see my Wiggle Butt??? (another one of mum's many nicknames for me) I don't think I need to tell you how extremely happy I was to see Veronica after 2 years of no-Veronica!!!! Notice Veronica knelt down to my level right away to greet me?? That's because she knew the impact from me jumping up and landing is very bad for my elbow, so she knelt down to prevent me from jumping up so high.
Oh, and of course, I had to stick my head in her purse to see if there were goodies for me!!

Veronica was studying in Switzerland, and she stopped by Vancouver to see ME ME ME before going back to Taiwan where her family is. She is staying with us for a month! YIPPEE!!

This was mum's attempt to get a picture of me and MY Veronica, but my tongue was completely out of control. I had a hard time just keeping my bum down, nevermind keeping the crazy tongue in my mouth...

There were many happy faces on passersby. Some couldn't take their eyes off me and MY Veronica, some stopped to watch, some came over to talk to mum, some said I looked like a GIANT teddy bear hugging MY Veronica, and some wanted to know if it was okay to pet me. Mum of course told them it was ok, but I paid no attention to them, didn't acknowledge their petting, because all I cared about was MY Veronica. The people who were unfortunately ignored by me weren't offended at all. One of them even said it was so neat to see a dog being so happy and focusing on one person, and one person only.
After I have calmed down and my tongue was somewhat contained, we made out way to the car. I followed MY Veronica very closely,

After two years of no-Veronica, I wasn't gonna let her out of my sight.

I tried very hard to stay out of the buggy's way, but at times, I just couldn't control myself...

and I HAD to stop MY Veronica to say HI HI HI HI to her all over again!!

I followed closely behind MY Veronica after my little HI HI HI sessions.

When we got home, Veronica told me she got me something. So I thought I would help her unpack.

Look at what MY Veronica got me,

It's a MOO MOO bowl!!! See the MOO MOO inside??

Then I checked out Veronica's purse once more......

And then and then..... I got tired........
All that excitement was surprisingly draining. I have MY Veronica here with me, and now I'm going to sleep with MY rockie...

Wowie, that's so cool! And I bet Veronica has been doing a great job of looking after, mum, Jaffa & yourself.
is there a video missing though. I saw no muscle butt wiggling going on?
Oscar x
So who is this Veronica of yours? She is so cute... Your mama is cuter. No actually, they are both just as cute but not as cute as you.
gosh! two moms at one time???
that's luxurious!
enjoy YOUR veronica sunshade!
wet wet licks
Waouw you have your own Veronica ?(my mom is also a VĂ©ronique. Great,enjoy her for a month ! Kiss, Faya
The pic of you burying your head in Veronica's purse reminds me of someone! ME! I do the very same thing! How sweet that you have special company visiting! Yeaaaaaaaa Sunshade!
Love ya lots,
Are you sure Veronica isn't your 1st favorite person?? Hehehe... Love your wiggle butt!!! Mommy calls mine a "bum wiggle". Mommys have such silly words!!
I LOVE your cow bowl!!! It's so cute!!!
You are soooo lucky to have 2 mum's! I see that you slep good after seeing mum and mum#2 home safe!
you looked SO HAPPY in that video, Mom just loved it!!!
Great video! I thought you were trying to knock Veronica down! You sure were a wiggle butt! Happy Days!! Are you going to share Veronica with Stinky?
Me again ... maybe Veronica can take Stinky home with her!!!!!
guess what , my moms best friend (aka MY mom away from mom) is also named veonica . he lives in texas and once mom sent me there for a month to stay with her
love maggie #2
ur allowed into the airport? cool! sigh...its wayyy impossible over @ my side. luv ur moo moo bowl...its soo cute!!!
You're lucky to get TWO mums for an entire month! I've never seen you do Wiggle Butt before. It's a good look for you!
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