Calling all the boyz - BE MINE??
My mum really has no sense of urgency. I've been hinting that I REALLY needed to update my blog and send out my Valentine's wishes, but she waited until TODAY to let me update.... I'm so sorry guys... I hope I'm not too late....
HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY every pup!!!!

I tried to take one photo for each boy, unfortunately, I still didn't have enough photos.... Apologies to ones I've missed....
First, my official boyfriends:
Bogie, will you be MY Valentine?

Mackie, will you be MY Valentine?

Dudley, will you be MY Valentine?? (you are the only "sniffable" one..)

Marvin my poet, will you be MY Valentine??

Now, to all the handsomes I would love to make MINE.....
Huskee Boy, will you be MY Valentine?

Boy, will you be mY vAlentine?

Teximas, will you be My vaLentine?

Kingsley, Will you be my valEnTine?

Zach, will you be MY valenTINE?

Boo, I hope Chiyo doesn't see this, but will you be my vAleNtinE?

Bussie..... I know you're hard to get, but with this, will you be MY Valentine?

Oscar, will you My be Valentine?

Butchy, you will be My Valentine?

Wally, will be you My Valentine?

Herbie, you be will My Valentine?

Jaffe Boy, BE MY VALENTINE! (please don't mistaken him as STINKY even tho their names differ by only one letter)

Toby, will My Valentine be you?? (come over and sniff me ok?)

DOOFUS, will Valentine be you My? (see, I made a DOOFUS face just for you.) (Please don't be offended Joey, I know you are not into girls)

Charlie, Valentine be My you will?

(mum: I think she's asked the same question too many times, her toes are getting confused.)
There are so many more handsomes I want to ask to be My Valentine, but I don't have enough photos....
So with this one last photo, I ask: Pippin (the WFT), Boo Boo, Fufu, T-man, Baily, Murphey, Ben, Loki, Sweets, Simba, Tin Tin, Hammer, Joey, and the rest of the DWB boys:

Whew.. now I'm hungry. Let see what's for din din.
My Valentine's Day din din: salmon, yogurt, and beef + organs!!

Ok, hurry, I'm starving....

I really.... CAN'T WAIT!

I thought about my men while I was eating because I believe with telepathy, they could taste what I was tasting.

Suddenly, I caught a whiff of someone.....

Thank doG I had already finished my din din.
Oh Miss Sunshade, I will be yours! I will be yours if you will be mine~~!!! You are jus tthe prettiest, best smelling girl in all the world! Wow! What beautiful pin-ups for over my bed! grrrrrr!
Happy Valentine's Day my dear!!!!
With love, Mackie
Oh my goodness - you don't know how much we've missed you Sunshade!!! All of your pics are just too cute! You sure have a lot of outfits!
Happy Valentine's day!
Love ya lots,
YES YES YES of course I will be your Valentine if you will be mine!!!!!
And thanks for the pinup shots, something for me to dream about...
Happy Valentines Day!
hi miss sunshade!
you are quite the tart (and i say that admiringly!)! of course you can be mine, though i might have to ask dudley's permission (i've already made overtures in his direction. but you can both be my b.c. babes!).
and i'll love you forever if you share that special dinner! yumzies!
Sunshade, if you don't do that calendar after all those bee-yooo-tee-ful pin-up shots, I am going to come out there and make it for you.
Will you be my Aire-Valentine?
Sunshade I just can't stop looking at your pictures.. Your are fabulous, Véronique & Faya
In the world of dogs which is SO different to the world of the hoomans the number of valentines hits the sky! I would love to be one of your vaLentines, as you are one of mine.
Love, Licks and Valentine's Snuggles,
Your vaLentine, Teximas.
Your photos are fabby! Faya is my number 1 girl, but you hold a special place in my heart.
Oscar x
Oh Sunshade... i am crazy about you after you posted THAT pic for Buster. love ya, love ya,, love ya........
Joey - standing in a puddle of saliva.
Sunshade, I didn't know they make such cute clothes for doggies.
You sure look pretty and cute in them. I got your present.. Thank you so much.. Love all the things inside. Eil wont stop playing with the stuff hammie to give it to me...
Happy Valentine's Day to you and Stinky
~ fufu
Hi Miss Sunshade,
I didn't know you had SO many boyfriends. Hope you have a nice Valentine's day! Love, Lillie
P.S. Say hi to Jaffa for me.
oh, i want i want i want i want i want to be your valentine!
i love MY photo - that cute hair clip and that pink top... a-wooooof-wooooof-wooooof-wooooof (crying of a horny dog).
wet wet licks
btw, i wonder if you receive my "thank you" email??
wet wet licks
My oh really get around, don't ya? lol lol
That one pic of your backside is quite....errr...uhhhh...ummmm....
....uerrrr WOWOWOWIEEEeeeee.
Your Momma must have rechargeable camera batteries!!!
Yes Sunshade. You can have all the boys as a Valentine.
Except for T-Man.
just kidding, nice outfit girlfriend! I see you had a Valentine's day photo shoot too!
Oh Sunshade,
So glad you are finally back! (I need to have a talk with my 岳母 abt giving you more access to the computer so that you can update your blog..
The answer to your question is:
YES YES YES!! ANYTIME, EVERYTIME!! (gee.. I sound kind of desperate huh..??) *muah muah*..
Happy Valentine's day, Sunshade! I'm honored to be among your valentines!!
- Chuck
Hey there Sunshade,
count me in on the lovin', bee-itch. I mentioned you in my smelly blogplace too.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Oh Miss Sunshade, you really seem to have enough energy for all those men, and a big wardrobe for all those dates!! My mom liked your pink pants for Bussie (hee hee!). I hope you have enough Valentines to keep you busy gorgeous, but my heart belongs to one woman only.
Have a wonderful V-day, and don't stay up too late talking on the phone with all your beaux.
Happy Vday, Sunshade!
WOW, it seems like you have a lot more Valentines than you can handle! You should pass some over here...!!!
Happy Valentines Day!!!
looks like you had a great day
oh sunshade, you got me all weak in the hocks with your beautiful dresses and that incredibly bad girl stare.
What a tease... (don't let your mummy hear that.. we wouldn't want her to ground you from your computer!)
I missed you so much!
We'd make a most scarr--ee bad couple!
Sunshade Dear, I'LL BE YOUR VALENTINE. you know you be my valentine even if you didnt ask me..*wink*
Lotsa Love
Oh Sunshade.. you drive me wiiiild! Of course I will be your Valentine - although, I must admit I'm a little jealous of the photo that Bussie got. A supermodelDALE in a bikini... aroooooo!! I still love my photo of course. Maybe one day we'll get to sniff each other for real, not just e-sniffs and e-kisses and e-licks and e-snuggles! Though, I'm a little worried because I don't have big jewels to offer you like some of the other boy dogs you seem to like.. :( Well, a boodog can keep on hopin'!
Looooove licks,
your studly Dudley
You do have some lovely outfits, Sunshade. I think you dress better than my Mom. I would love to be your Valentine but I'm afraid I've already promised my heart to Isabella. You have no lack of suitors though, that's for sure! AAAROOOOOO ....
Happy Valentines Day, sweet Miss Sunshade :-)
Big hugs and kisses,
You look so cute with your bow in your hair. I love the heart shaped bowl. H
Lots of love
Simba xx
It prays for the happiness of sunshade in appreciation for a lot of Valentine.
From loved ume tyan
OH Sunshade, U look absolutely cute!!! I love the little pink bows on your head. The hair band, the bandana, the outfits... everything, everything is just wonderful.
I want so much to be your Valentine but time different sucks!!!
Whoa! A fashionista! Is your clothes closet bigger than your mom's? I really liked that pink tank top. Only thing I have is a bandana. Hope my mom doesn't get ideas. You should consider doing a calendar of your own though.
I am a boy that likes a BIG girl!
Oh...Sunshade honey, I would love to be your Valentine...not only on Valentine day but everyday!!!!
Fabulous, just fabulous pictures. Though I didn't make the cut you are still my #1 pinup girl of WFT.
Tail wags
of course, Miss Sunshade! I will be your Valentine! Along with all the others!! You are such a flirt!
I am quiet as Jeannie (my Editor In Chief) is not well at all, she has horrible head cold which is making her feel so poorly.
love and licks
Marvin The Poet xxxxxx
Miss Sunshade,
I think there is gonna be a big old doggie fight over you! So many Valentine's, but with your beautiful face, who could resist?
Murph, your Valentine Dog!
Hey Sunshie, I see you saved the BEST EVER pose for me. You know we are just friends Sweetie, and I do appreciate all the effort but.....I have to say no. We are strictly platonic.
Bussie Kissies
Of course I'll be your Valentine! Wow, you must be very busy modelling all those pretty clothes! You're made for the catwalk, or rather, Dogwalk!
Oh my that's is lots of valentines you have miss Sunshade. Hope your valentines day was great.
Hey Miss Sunshade (and Jaffa),
You have been nominated for "Photo of the Month Award" over at the DWB BoneZone, head on over and cast your vote :-)
awe, the DOOFUS loved your doofus face, especially that last one!
Sunshade - were you at Spanish banks today? There was a very pretty dog who looked like you with a fluffy pint sized companion who walked past us. I was trying to listen to see if anyone said your name but I couldn't tell. Hope you had fun if it was you! (We did)
awwww, of course i'll be your valentine miss sunshade! what an honor!!!
to show how much i appreciate it i dedicated this bear love picture on my blog to you
puppy kisses
Happy Valentines Day to you Sunshade !! And to your DEAR STINKY and evil mum too :D
Awww shucks Sunshade. You are such a sweetie. Of course, I would love to be your Valentine. Loved all your photos. You are one sexy beastie!
Love and smoochies,
you look nice in thta clothes!!!
Sunshade, oh Sunshade, it seems you have gone away!
I miss you so much, I look on your Blog every day.....
Please hurry up and post some funny stuff
Even a wee picture that will be enough!
I miss you so much and all your funny news.....
You are the only gal I would ever, ever choose.
Missing you so much......
love and sad unhappy worried licks
ps I do hope Stinky has not eaten you or anything awful! I know you said he was getting bigger but this silence is just ridiculous!
Hi Miss Sunshade! Looks like you had a wonderful Valentines Day filled with love! I wish that *I* had as many suitors as you do! Mum needs to get on the ball and order me some of those fashionable clothes!
Smoochies & Airekisses!
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