Poor neglected child...
Because of that STINKY, this is where I've been wanting to spend most of my time.....
Our temperature has been freezing or below zero, so mum put my heated bed outside in case I got cold.
I just can't stand STINKY's stinky smell!! I refuse to touch anything that he's touched, even food..... If he did so much as to just lick it, I won't touch it. I will stand there and guard it tho, if I can't have it, NOBODY ELSE CAN!!
This was me checking out his bowl. I really really wanted to clean his bowl for him, but I just couldn't, because it smelled like him. I moved around the bowl in circles hoping that at a certain angle, the STINKY smell wouldn't be there. Unfortunately, it was there at all angles......
See, mum has put all my favourite toys "up" so STINKY can't get at them. Once he touches them, I won't touch them again.
Mum didn't want me to lose the pillow I got from Butchy & Snickers, or the chimpanzee I got 6 years ago, or *ahem* my rudolph, or my Truman. Oh, and my loving elephant is now upstairs too, only the big hunky gorilla is downstairs for my pleasure.
I've been trying very hard to patient with STINKY, but you have to know, you are asking A LOT of Miss Sunshade when you want her to share HER mum and HER house.
I don't like anyone near MY mum, nevermind chewing on MY mum!!!
GEEZ... I was having a good time snuggling up against mum, and HE just had to start chewing on her. Did you see that he started chewing AGAIN after I stopped growling for a bit?? Maybe I should chew on him too! (mum: umm... maybe not?)
Oh, and shortly after that video was taken, we went on for a walk. During our walk, the STINKY started having a hump fest with mum's legs. Mum kept moving away, but everytime she stopped, he would be at her again. I've been watching him do this to mum, and he's not just humping mum's legs, he is humping mum's legs IN PUBLIC!! Ok ok, I know I like to love my stuffies too, but I have NEVER EVER tried to hump a dog or a hooman, nevermind in public. Mum says it's ok if I want to do some loving at home with my stuffies, as long as I don't try to do that to other dogs or hoomans.
Anyway, I finally couldn't stand seeing STINKY hump mum anymore because I think he was trying to assert his dominance over mum, which was WRONG. So I ran over, pushed him off mum, yelled at him, and stood over him with my big paw on him. My mouth and teeth never touched him, but I kept yelling at him until he stopped struggling, then I let him get up. Guess what, he stopped humping mum!! (mum: for now.....)
(Note from mum: Jaffa really doesn't stink at all. Sunshade is VERY sensitive about other dogs' smell. She doesn't like them for some reason, that's why she thinks Jaffa stinks...)
On a lighter note:
I knew I can always count on my friends to cheer me up!! Look at what I got over the past week.
I got a bootiful, an oh so true tag from Lillie V. THAT'S RIGHT GIRLIE!!

Her hooman pups also made mum some X-mas decoratives out of clay. The male hooman pup made a PINK heart addressed to mum and I, and the female hooman pup wrote an A-Z list about Airedales!!!!
Then I got a TAG BLING and a few New Mexico pine cones!! Mum also got a bootiful key tag in her favourite colour. Can you guess who they're from??? They are from C-K-C and her mom all the way over in Albuquerque, New Mexico! I should also mention, C-K-C's mom made the tag bling and the key tag, C-K-C picked the pine cones.

The little charm hanging off the end of my tag bling and off mum's key tag is a Chinese character for "longevity". 壽 I gotta find out what the Chinese character for "pain in the butt" is so STINKY can wear it.
Lastly, I got a parcel with cool doggie wrapping paper on it.


Hmmm.......... what's inside??


WOW! A COOOOL "DIVA" photo frame, and it's PINK!! I wonder which handsome male has such good taste?? Do you know who it's from?

DIVA-ish pose with my PINK bone photo frame!!

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH Lillie V & hooman pups, C-K-C & mom, and Scuuuuuuuuuuba Too!! You guys made my week despite the STINKY.
MUAH to you all!!!
ps. Lillie and C-K-C, I will show case my tag and tag blings in another post.
pps. to all my friends, we will catch up on reading all your blogs. That STINKY has kept mum very busy, so I haven't had a lot of computer time. Plus mum has quite a bit of work from last week... I miss reading all your blogs.. SOON SOON, I promise!
Glad you got the stuff mom sent. She was getting kind of worried that the post office had lost it. It is cold here in NM. In the teens (in F degrees) mornings. Our snow has mostly melted off tho.
Oh, poor Sunshade. It is really alright. STINKY can be fun if you try to "play" with him a little. Jus a little at a time. Ooo, I know it is hard but I'm sure you can try.
I'm glad you had some presents to cheer you up a little bit Sunshade sweetie-pie.
I feel bad that you're sat out in the cold, brr.
You must really hate the stinky puppy smell, 'cos nothing would keep me away from any food that was lying about. Maybe it's just that I am still a stinky pup myself!
Oscar x
Sunshade, you must be counting the days when you can have mom all to yourself! I think in time you'll come to love Jaffa - maybe when he grows up just a little bit more.
Love ya lots,
Poor Miss Sunshade! I do feel for you! I do not have a present for you I am afraid, but I have written about you again in my Blog, in my latest Work In Progress....another Marvin Poem.
If you get a chance, pop by my Blog and have a sniff around and a read of my Poetry, you get a good mention as well!!
My Blog has been especially deodorised in preparation for your visit as well!
love and many licks, Marvin xxxx
Cooeeeyyy Miss S!
Sorry that you are having problems with STINKY but you momma will be all yours again soon I hope then you will feel better!
Loui xx
With the whole protectiveness thing - I am so like that too. I mean, I don't mind if Dad goes and talks to other dogs but if Mum does then I push her and the other dog apart. I am very protective over my Mum. My Dad can fend for himself - he is the pack leader afterall.
Love and Licks,
Texas (and his humans).
Y'know, just when you get used to having him around and like him, he'll leave and you'll be heartbroken.
Bussie Kissies
Sunshade...I think I missed something. Is STINKY a new sibling? Is stinky sticking around? Was Stinky the thing your mom was hiding from you at Christmas time?
And finally.....does stinky really stink or do you just not like stinky?
Sunshade, I still think you're the cutest in your house. Maybe you can show stinky the right ways to do things. Great presents you got there. ;)
~ fufu
excuse me sunshade, i know it's still early but are those your valentine's gifts??? that DIVA photo frame sure looks so good... with you on it! hehehe.
omDOG, sunshade, you are the big sister, you could teach jaffa everything you know. don't worry, he won't be there for long so you don't have to fight mum's love with him.
wet wet licks
Sunshade, I agree with Fufu. You are and always will be the cutest in your house!! But gotta admit, the Stinky fella comes in second. He is pretty cute.....
But I agree, I think he's stinky too!
HaHa... I love the tag!!!!
Not spoiled, BLESSED!!!
hwy, i really like d tag that u got there...
Yep - ya gotta protect your mum from that nasty leg humping pup! Good job, Sunshade!
Oh Sunshade, you are such a lucky girl. We think those are cool gifts you got there and we love Stinky too:)
Boy n Baby
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