Update on things......
Ok guys, I know I have not been blogging a lot lately. Well the reason is that my mum has been super busy, and because I lost my un-supervised blogging time privilege (due to too much ..um.. flirting), I haven't been able to blog. Not that there is that much to blog about anyway, my life is currently very boring, the weather SUCKS!!!
Yes yes, I know the wait and the mystery THING is killing you guys... It's killing ME TOO!!! I still can't find it, don't know where it went. Mum thinks I have forgotten about it since the thing's mysterious disappearance, but I really haven't!! I'm just not willing to let that thing disrupt my already very boring life (at the moment).
My EVIL mum did leave us a few clues:
- it has fur
- it shed quite a bit
- it blinks
- it's white
- this is part of it

ARGH.... still 6 more days until the SPECIAL day....
(mum's note: guys...it really isn't that exciting...)
Remember my friend Daisie Duke with the impressive resume?? Well she finally got a blog of her own. Keep in mind she is only 8 months old, so she is still learning about this whole blog thingy. Go visit her and say hello ok??
Daisie's Dog Dish
The weather in Vancouver has been AWFUL (and that's kind of an understatement)!! What's worse is that because of the amount of wind and rain we've been having, there is a lot of sand, mud, debris in the reservoir, and our water has turned murky. An advisory was issued for residents of Vancouver to boil the water before drinking and no brushing teeth with that water.
The water on the left is of what normal water should look like, the water on the right is what we are currently getting out of our faucets. It is actually a lot less murky today than the previous week.

Toby's picture says better about our water...........
We are lucky in the way that we get Canadian Springs water delivered to our house on a regular basis, so we still have a couple of 18 L jars left. However, mum can't stand showering with mud water, washing dishes with mud water (mum rejected my offer of using my tongue), or doing laundry with mud water. The very worst part is, I'm all out of clean fleece blankets that I normally eat my bone-bones on, so I haven't gotten any bones in a week (that's like ETERNITY for me you know!!).
On top of the poor weather, another reason why my life is boring at the moment is because, my mum....... ahem... got a little too ambitious with the X-mas cards ... and well ... she started something that she doesn't think she could finish. So she is working very hard on them. She thought she could make 60 + of the stuff she's making, but it takes her more than one hour just to make one (and it involves me too...hmmmph) ... and November is always a busy month for mum with all the special days!! And that ONE very SPECIAL day is approaching fast..... *wink*
A few of my bestest friends have been nominated for the Awesome Blog Award:
Please come VOTE HERE



UPDATE # 6, last but not least:
See this picture?

If you like my picture, please come here and:
You do need to log in to vote tho...... but I'm worth it right???
That's it for now my friends, I gotta get back to my boring life......
Love nibbles to all,
Miss Sunshade
hey sunshade,
how come daisie duke doesn't look like an airedale like you?
and at a look at the "thing" your mom got for your b'day, pretty sure it's a ... LIVING THING! nah, that doesn't help much isn't it? :-)
wet wet licks
yeah sunshade, we are wondering too.
cant wait to know wats ur bday gift.
Boy n Baby
You sure have a lot of party hats on for such a bored girl!
- Chuck
p.s. Countdown - T-minus 6 days and counting!
Miss Sunshade,
I'm sorry to hear about your mud water situation and the lack of bones. What dark times you are enduring now. I'm sure since you're the superDALE, you will endure and laugh about it later :) Anyway, I see your birthday's on a Saturday..will there be a party?? Or is your mum keeping you on curfew due to the flirting :(
Sunshade!~ We stopped by and voted for yah!~ We hope you win!!!!
Sunshade, the THING blinks??? Does it has a heart beat???
This is so exciting...
~ fufu
Hey baby... you KNOW that I voted for you!!!!!!!
Hi Sunshade,
Ohh.. this is too exciting!! Can you pls ask your mum to post more clues??
Hmm.. as your 'pre-Birthday gift' (if there is such a thing at all), do you think you can ask your mum to let you have your un-supervised blogging time back? We need to get back to our flirting so that I can continue to court you..
Huskee Boy
Yucky looking water. I'm not allowed to blog on my own either. I lick the screen too much,
Simba xx
Hey, your tongue is soo sweet....hehe.you guys are not planning for a holiday trip? My pets 've already planned for the same n you know I 've to take them since I love them too much..
Hey you too can check out this post on vacation trip with pets . I hope u'll like it.
I think your mom needs to go back for intensive re-training.
Bussie Kissies
Hi Miss Sunshade! Thanks for your support and my pic on your Blog! Only just seen it as it has been a busy day in the Marvin Decorating Household.....!
Also, I have just voted for your tongue....(and there is a phrase I never thought I wuld say!!!!!( but it is a mighty impressive tongue al the same.
love and long licks of tongue from Marvin x
ps beware of a blogger called Jason....he slightly messed up our computer today, but thanks to Firefox we are ok, but beware any comments - do not click on any Jason Links....
Words to the Wise and al that!
marv x
the weather in singapore has been very wet too last week. that water looks really unhealthy. please don't let your mom bathe in it or wash stuff in it. maybe just going out into the rain for a rinse will be cleaner :)
i voted for your pic in the photo of the month!!! :) that's my favorite pic!
oh my oh my... your birthday surprise blinks??? i hope it's a white bunny! but bunnies don't mew. hm....
Your 'surprise' may like treats too, don't be surprised.
Or it's just a big ole floppy stuffed toy WOOHOO
I was nominated for best photo too!
It s so exciting!
I can't wait to find out what your surprise is! Isn't it driving you crazy? Wait till your mom is asleep tonight and search every inch of the house. It's got to be somewhere.
Big Wags,
Miss Sunshade, you say your life is boring, but there seems to be a lot going on. Your water really is yucky looking. I could send you some nice fresh Minnesota water, it's very tasty and comes right out of the Mississippi river which we only live 5 blocks from. I voted for you as soon as I heard! Love the tongue picture! Waiting for your birthday is going to drive us all crazy...6 more days, whew, don't know if I can take it! I've never seen a kitty before, but Momma said it does looks suspiciously like kitty fur.
Well, I'm going to get back to my boring day too, it's time to lick my toes again!
Your pal,
Scottish Water.....Adams Ale. Clearest and the Best!
what's in the bag .......what's in the bag .tell me .woof-woof
Lot's of Lick's
we cant wait to see your surprise!
I hope its a boston terrier, what do you think?
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