NOVEMBER - a month worth remembering
A lot has happened in the month of November, good and bad, happy and sad. One thing that I do know is, I was WELL FED!!
Let me show you what has happened in November of 2006.
November 1st:
Maxey turned 6, and in celebration of his B-Day, I asked mum to make me a salmon + sweet potato pattie.
Remember that sexy burp of mine??
November 4th:
My pal Zach and his sister Chani turned 2 (Zach) and 6 (Chani). I celebrated their B-Days with a muffin, and ....err.... fried TOFU....
Ummm... and given the choice, I took the TOFU first.... Don't ask me why.
I would like to take this chance and let everybody know that my EVIL mum ate my muffin because she said I picked the TOFU!!! I was saving it for later.....
November 15th:
The boootiful Chiyo and the pretty Fee both turned 1!! Yes, they are no longer 0 year old.
I celebrated with Babybel Cheese.
The red one was regular cow milk cheese, the yellow one was goat cheese. They were wrapped in red/yellow wax thingys. The cheese itself was the normal looking colour.
November 16th:
My EVIL mum (the one that ate my muffin) turned 23. She was so EVIL she left me at home all night by myself and went out with friends!!! She did bring a few snacks back for me from her B-Day dinner but she left her bag on the floor (she's a slob) and went to the washroom...and .... well I think you know what happened after that. So no pictures of fooood.... sowie.
This was one of the pressies she got. The word I was inspecting was "COAT"!! Isn't it neat? At least one of her friends understands LOL!
November 17th:
The lovely Opy turned 10!!! The big ONE - ZERO, I wasn't gonna miss that for anything.
This was my cheese cake, unfortunately, it was too small to fit "10" candles on, so the candles were sleeping next to it.
The shutter speed was way too slow to catch this one..... On bite and gone!
November 20th:
My handsome, ruggedly stud Mackie, turned 6!! I celebrated his B-Day with a chicken souvlaki.
This was me saying "Happy Birfday"
November 21st:
A very sad day for all the hoomans........
My dear friend Daisie Duke was made disease free on this day, and she became doG's little helper. She was 9 months old.
Check out the DWB's The Daisie Chain page in honour of Daisie Duke
November 23rd:
I celebrated my second Thanksgiving. The food itself wasn't that special at all,

but the fact that it was my "second" Thanksgiving made it special.
November 25th - the BIG day:
First, it started snowing, yes, ON my birthday, in November, in Vancouver, I know it's unheard of, but it happened!! Told you Daisie was doG's little helper!!

Then it was this,

and THIS!

November 28th:
My BIG fat Georgie turned "1"!! Can you believe we actually know his B-Day??
Don't ask me why, but his favouritest foods are: parsleys and bananas!

Yes, Georgie loved his platter, and I had a teeny piece of carrot cake.....hmmmmph

Lastly (most days of November..):
The X-mas Card Exchange frenzy......

Hmmmm.... I wonder why that paw print is red??
We are going to be SOOO busy this weekend working on my cards....
Today, I got 3 more X-mas cards! They were from Opy & Charlie, Isabella, and my handsome devil Bogie!!

I'm sure most of you know by now that Bogie and I have a special relationship. So today when I got his card - yes, the testosterone rich card, I....

I... just couldn't resist......