Blog loading/viewing problem
Since my switching to Blogger Beta last week, some of you seem to be having problems viewing and loading my blog. I got mum to ask around, and apparently beta is better viewed with FireFox. It loads much faster.
To download FireFox -
The download is easy and just might save you some loading time.
I don't know why anybody would use that nasty old Internet Explorer anyway! Firefox is so much better, faster and keeps some of that awful spyware & bugs away!
Bussie Kissies
Thanks for the tip. I will go ask J to download firefox for me!
I'm a big fan of Firefox too - I think your blog loads slowly sometimes because it has so many great things on it, and they take a little time to load. But you're always worth the wait, babe...
Your Blog looks cool to us however we view it, but it is quicker on Firefox! Silly Internet Explorer. (well that is not quite what Jeannie called it last week when she was having problems.....but I am a polite dog, unlike her!
I cannot believe your Rabbit friend, I am afraid he looks sooooo tasty I may have taken a wee bite of him by now....ooops! But I only soft mouth - it is part of my gentle upbringing! Halloween Howls, Love and Licks from Marvin - Happy on Beta Blogger and on Firefox.....yay!
hey! Just checked your Blog on Internet Explorer again, it is fine viewed on there as well as Firefox!
Yay! Marv..........!
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