Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I tALk, I PlAY, I fLirT, I poSE

Those are the four things that I do the best!!

Mom took me to Kits Beach in the afternoon, and these photos demonstrate what I mean.....



"Izzy" the Rottie mix REALLY liked my AirDog Tennis ball.........

Finally, we reached some sort of an understanding.........

I FLIRT - with any "un-neutered" male (only applies to four legged ones)

I am not a shallow girl. It's not all about looks for me; you can be a Dachshund, Basset Hound, Shar Pei, Mexican Hairless, Borzoi, mutt, or a Belgian Malinois, as long as you still have your "jewels", I will flirt with you no matter what you look like..........



Wired for Mackie said...

Dear Sunshade-

I think you are just beautiful! Do you like smaller men? I am a handsome Wire Fox Terrier who really loves bu-ti-ful Airedale girls. I really like your blog and the nice pictures of you.
Visit my blog, I hope you'll be my friend!

Your pal, Mackie

Bogart H. Devil said...

You are such a GORGEOUS girl! Makes my heart go pitter-patter...


Anonymous said...

Oh, Miss Sunshade having some sunshine!

Love, Boo

Life with Ozzy said...

Hello my name is Ozzy I am a 9 month old Wire Fox Terrier and wanted to stop by and say hello.
Wow Miss Sunshade that looked like a bunch of fun playing in the water like that and then romping around on the beach. Nice blog btw.
Take care.
Wirey hugs,